dispatches from the edge

Proudlly showcasing the weird, bizarre, and the downright creepy since 2005

Thursday, February 24, 2005

the ghost faces of belmz

dear readers

one of the most creepy pictures i have seen is on my blog. it is one of the pictures on my blog. it is from one of the strangest story i have heard. the story begins on aug 23, 1971 at a house on 5 real street in belmz, spain. home of the Pereira family. the mother saw a strange blob on the hearth. it grew everyday until it became a face. they lefted in fear and later thinking it resmbled a saint at the local church. the father Miguel took a pickaxe and smashed it. a week later it came back! the Pereira family became the talk of Belemz. slowly more faces resmbled male and female. the town was divided if it was a hoax or true. one day a proferssor from madrid. his name escapes me. he called it the most important paranormal events of the century. he did a test by covering the floor with a jacket and sealing a room for 3 months. the professor in front of his fellow colleguaes. they opened the room and a face had appeared. and the faces stop appearing after the tests and having been seen since . the faces cannot be removed form the floor. tests ahve been run on everything science can run. they cannot be explained. strangely,EVPs have been recorded. if you don't know EVP are recording supposly by ghosts. why the faces were there in the first place. they had evaculated under the floor earily and had discovered a mass of bones and two headless bodies. they were of young people dating back to the 13th century. it was found to be a cementry for a muslem cementry, and a Catholic church burial site as well. the ghost faces of belemz are a mystery and proof that sometimes they are things on this earth that cannot be explained.

on a related note i have added more photoes please check on feb archieves to see them.

i have decided when i update i will add account of my less exciitng life. I would thank my readers you guys and gals are awesome.

peace, alex


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