dispatches from the edge

Proudlly showcasing the weird, bizarre, and the downright creepy since 2005

Thursday, March 10, 2005

what's the frequency kenneth, a salute to dan rather

dear readers

this week dan rather stepped down as anchor of CBS for the forged documents scandal. but few know dan rather had said and done some very bizzare things we will salute in out first weird celebrities hall of fame inductee.

examples included

signing off with the word courage as in "i'm dan rather, courage" and signing off with coraje the spanish word for courage after being told to change his signoff

has been beat up by guards at the 1967 democratic convention and was mugged by a man yelling what's the frequency,kenneth. the man claimed that the media was beaming hostile messages to them and wanted to turn it off. the incdent was turned into the famous song by R.E.M and in a gesture of good nature, appeared on stage when on dave letterman R.E.M played it

was also punched out by a unidentified man at a CBS affiliates convention

was accused by a afghastein newspaper of stoning people to death

weared a sweater over his vest and reintroductioned it when ratings fall

supposly shoted heroin to exprience what it was like for a story

was nervous meeting tom brokam and planted a wet kiss on his cheek

wouldn't sit in walter chockite's chair and anchored in a kind of "sqaut"

was missing for 15 minutes when he was supposed to onair when angered for being delayed for a tennis match

impiled that former CIA director William Casey was alive

telling the new york times that he carries The Elements Of Style with him on the adivce of Eric Sevareid and telling another writer he has never read the book

losing an on-air confrontaion with George H.W Bush in jan 1988 hatt was responsible for Bush losing his wimp imagine

being held hostage by a taxi driver becuase he wouldn't pay a 12.50 dollar taxi ride

sued a group that used his voice in a rap song and used the theme song, it was called "rocked by rape" the song consists of ACDC back in black looped over dan rather talking about disasters and death. the song was a commentary on the negativity on the nightly news

has a habit of talking in strange ratherism like " his lead is shaker thatn the cafeteria jello, the michigan primary is tighter than willy nelson's headband and this race is hot and tight as a too small swimsuit and on a too long car ride back to the beach

finally, paraded a soviet propgandana piece claming that a us miltary lab created the A.I.D.S

hope you enjoyed this look back at the colorful career of dan rather

for a detailed lists of more behavior and the saga of Gunga Dan go to www.ratherbiased.com

see you later guys and gals, i'm alex stalllwitz, Courage


At March 12, 2005 1:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This I think is the best one yet, Alex. Keep the talent coming.


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