Sunday, April 17, 2005
About Me
- Name: Alex Stallwitz
- Location: Somewhere Out There..., A Magical Land Far Away...
By the time, Alex Stallwitz was 12, he had read every book in paranormal section at his local library. while normal people were having lives and dating and various other things, Alex Stallwitz was reading various book cataloging his research into the paranormal. this blog is his life' s work into the paranormal, when he is not cataloging the paranormal, he loves reading science fiction and horror novels and manga and listening to music and watching horror movies (especally ones with Zombies) and watching anime. he also loves playing computer and video games especally RPGS and First Person Shooters. he also plays various charcters in World Of Warcraft on Blackwing Lair sever so if you're on gave a shout out to him. he also loves candy and mountain dew.
Previous Posts
- x-ray of alien implants
- alleged "dinosaur" photographed in the amazon
- strange corpse found in south america, possibly th...
- photo of the loch ness monster, hoax or real, you ...
- x-ray of unauthorized human experment at 14 and 1...
- alleged phoot of ufo crash origin unknown
- possible alien photographed in near eagle test ran...
- another alleged "alien" photo
- alien photo from same series
- Alleged alien photo fact or fiction you decide!
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