Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Saturday, May 28, 2005
real life mutants?
dear readers
the comic book industry is riled with stories of superpowered mutants or metahumans DC called them metahumans to avoid being sued by marvel who copyrighted mutants for x-men. but we may have real life mutants. kids growing up in aftermath of the Chernobyl nuclear meltdown have higher IQS and faster relexes. they also have stronger immune systems and grow faster. Professor Vladimir Mikhalev of the Bryansk University had been tracking their health. the radition come from the food suply and airbourne. this story comes the sun website www.sun.co.uk
weird huh
love and peace,
Alex Stallwitz
Friday, May 27, 2005
The Varginha Incident or the brazilian Roswell
dear readers
the following story you are about to read may or not be truth but is deserving of a write-up. on jan 20 1996 the Varginha fire depertment received a phone call of a strange creature then another finding this odd, they went to investiation (the fire depertment by the way is part of military) in a forested area they discovered a strange creature They found a creature with three large protrusions on its head, red eyes, long thin arms, and short legs with big feet. it made a buzizng noise and seemed dazed and they quickly captured it with a net. later however a group of girls coming home from work stumbled a creature simialr to one in thhe region of Jardim Andere. they are stories of as many as seven of these strange creature. it was taken to the Humanitas Hospital. One of the creatures is supposed to have died, and was taken by military convoy to the University of Campinas, where an autopsy was performed. and supposly two were taken to unversity of Sao Paulo. most distrubing less than a month after the incident, 23 year-old military policeman Marco Eli Chereze, who supposedly was involved in the capture, died from a multiple infection without an apparent cause. Some have said he was infected by contact with the creature. rumors of a coverup peristed as a the one of the girl mothers was offered a large amount of cash to keep quiet by four men in Armani. the hospital and fire deprtment denied capturing an alien and hospital officals claimed no records exsited of them recieving the creature. what had happened, were they from space? or were a eartly creature like the infamous EL Chupacabra. no evidence exisited that the strange creatures were from space expect sightings of lights. the problem with the story expect the girls testimony the evenmts were second and third hand accounts. what are the creature of Varginha? a eartly creature, a strange alien creature trapped on earth or a vicious hoax for a fame and fortune. we may never know...
Weird news
a suicide hotline on prince albert island in canada announced due to budget concerns the 24 hrs line was phrased to an business hours 9-5. mental healht advocated were outraged by the move, one was quoted as saying people don't have problemd during business hrs but more at night like 3 A.M.
love and peace,
Alex Stallwitz
Friday, May 20, 2005

Randolph County, NC, resident Bill Kurdian photographed this unidentified animal in his back yard on May 20, 2004. Kurdian, who had been seeing the animal off and on for several months, took this photo of the creature using a motion-sensing camera. According to Kurain the animal is about the size of a fox. (photo courtesy of Bill Kurdian / 2004) what it is i don't know

Monday, May 16, 2005
Sunday, May 15, 2005
a fool for a client
dear readers
sorry for the lack of update, as last week was finals;.( but i'm though with them now and to reward you for your patience here's a great story from www.newsoftheweird.com
In Springfield Mass, in april Thomas P Budnick convicted a judge that he was capble of defending himslef and with a straight face argued on appeal that this conviction should be overturned because his trial lawyer was "incompetent" most distrbuitngs this ahs happen more than once accoiridng to www.newsoftheweird.com
priceless huh?
love and peace,
Alex Stallwitz
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Sunday, May 01, 2005
divine justice weird news disptches
dear readers
i have stumbled across some reports , you have to read
police in Corpus Christi, Texas said a man who died of a brain hemorrhage was at time stealing a staute of the Virgin Mary from Turner's Gardenalnd Nursery
according to police, in Lake City Michigan, the plan of a 19 yrs old man to stab himself lightly in the chest, call 911 and blame it on his neighbor whom he was having a feud with, instead he stab himslef too deep thusly causing him to bleed to death
Cadilliac, Michigan News 3-22-05, KRIS Corpus Christi 3-22-05
love and peace,
Alex monster slayer Stallwitz