dispatches from the edge

Proudlly showcasing the weird, bizarre, and the downright creepy since 2005

Sunday, June 12, 2005

the famous UFO Trindad photo considred by UFOist to be one of the most credible due to the photos and credibly of witnesses  Posted by Hello

closeup of trindad ufo Posted by Hello

alleged UFO over house origin unknown Posted by Hello

mural of strange craft possibly a UFO from the Renaissance Posted by Hello

Thursday, June 02, 2005

ghost animals

dear readers

mankind has a fondness for keeping pets. we love our pets and showered them with love and care. animals go from being pets to members of our families. some buy presents for their pets and dressed them in outfits and give them human quaities and we feel a hollow sadness whnen they died. but do they have souls? many a parent has comforted a sad child by saying oh Fido or Fluffy has gone to doggy or kitty heaven. what if it is true what if our beloved pets have souls and could be in the afterlife wating to come home so master and pet can be together forever... or like humans don't want to leave their house. can a place be haunted by a animal ghost as well as a human ghost...

much legend surrodered ghostly dogs in religons like the guardin of hades is a 8 headed dog in greek myths,in european folklore, stories of ghostly hounds are prevailing in europe like in england and germany and other european countries, many legends stated that if you sene them or heard their howing its a omen of death the most famous and dangerous pack is the Devil's dandy dogs near cornwell England in fact legends stated that the Devi himself takes the form of a black dog and so does many demons. the dogs supposly breathe fire and blacken grass. some don't have heads! they haunted areas and even houses are haunted by ghost dogs. the orgin could be the superstation that a dog is buried in a new graveyard to protect the graveyard and the souls buiried there. Black dogs are a omen as are ravens, toads and amny others. there are stories of ghostly owls and white birds that are omens of death

other animals

they are many stories like in chicago at the corner of 95th and kean avenue is haunted by a horse and its rider. it supposly protects motorist from accidents. they aree many stories of pets protecting their formely by warning taht the house is on fire or being robbed. the animals are portecitng their formley owners from diasters. there is a story in england of a phantom pig that haunted a village in england.

ghost cat in washingotn DC

under the US Capitol builidng are a series of maintence tunnels that are haunted by a cat. the story is that a white cat that likes to terrify unsuspecting workers. it shows up as a regular sized black cat that walks up to the workers and purrs then swelled up to tiger sized! and leaps at the unsuspecting workers vanishing in midair scaring the crap of the workers. the cat shows up during before a national tragedy or a adminstration change. why is there a cat under the captiol? the reaosn is that long ago the tunnels had a mouse problem and cats were released to take care of it. and one got left behind and is angry and malicous toward humans or is a simply a omen like a banshee or the black dogs of europe


finally a colonel told a story once that he had a dog named sky. one winter evenig he fell a sleep and had a dream that his beloved dog had returned and he had to walk his dog and he put on his slippers and walked his dog and then he rturned and wen tto bed. he woke up and he relized that his slippers were damp and his old leash was out what had happend? had he sleepwalked or had sky retunred for one last moment with his master?

as we can see animals can be ghosts and haunted a place. sometimes its a beloved pet returning once more to visit or save his owner or a omen of deaths. do they exist or are they just folklore finally one more fact, the most common animal people dying seen is a grey or black dog. weird, huh

love and peace,

Alex Stallwitz