Paul is a dead man miss him, miss him, Is Paul dead?
dear readers
everyone has heard of or is a fan of The Beatles, but a rumor beign to calucate in 1969 that paul had died in car crash, and thtat the beatles replaced with a looklike named billy shears, or billy campbell and he took paul's place. the beatles then hide clues for some reason on album art and backward in the music is paul dead or a vicious hoax we shall see..
album art clues
sgt pepper's lonely hearts club band
there is a doll and a toy car on fire . the car is paul's after the wreck and the doll is a female hitchiker that caused the wreck. on a ledge is a bloody glove next to the rolling stone doll. the doll with a crack head is paul and black tv is the news blackout. everyone is around a open grave that is paul's grave and ringo's wax staute of himself next to the real Beatles is looking mournful. the flowers in the front spell out be at leso's the island where they buried Paul. and on the back he is facing backward to show he is an imposter on his jacket is O.P.D or O.P.P which ether means Offically Prounced Dead, or ontario police patrol which Billy Campbell paul's double was a policeman before he was found by the looklike contest. finally most important, the drum kit when a mirror is placed in the middle it says 1 one , one he die, the ones are the three remaning beatles and he died is Paul.
Abby Road
all the beatles are dressed like a funeral John is the peacher in a white suit ringo is a mourner or funeral director, george is the gravedigger in casual clothes. paul has no shoes showing he is dead. a license says LMW 28if he would be 28 if he lived. and LMW is linda mccarthy weeps and abby road is where paul had his accident
backward messages and lyrics
the song i'm so tried says Paul is a dead man miss him miss him
revolution no 9 has many including a recreating of the car crash and an the word call a surgeon and turn me on dead man which is a refrence to a day in the life of in which john wishes he could turn on the dead young man in the lyric
strawberry field forever says I buried Paul
in don't pass me by he says you were in car crash and lost your hair
in glass onion which is coffin with a glass lad he says the walrus is paul
i am the walrus says
stupid bloody
Tuesday man you been a naughty boy
You let your face grow long.
I am the eggman oh, they are the eggman -
which refrences the head injury paul suffer
a day in the life refrences it as well
He blew his mind out in a car
He didn’t notice that the lights had changed
is paul dead is the paul an imposter and did they hide clues in the lyrics intersing paul made fun of the whole story by calling his tour and album paul is live. if intreised type paul is dead in asearch engine and see anymore clues than i laided out today.
love and peace,
Alex Stallwitz
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