types of aliens
dear readers
here is an "field guide to reported aliens reported by alien abuctees so here we go.
The Grays-The most commonly reported of all aliens. They are short, two legged beings that are three and a half feet tall with grayish/white skin. They have large hairless heads; huge, black, almond shaped eyes; a narrow jaw, tapered to an almost V; small nostril holes, but no nose; a small thin lip-less horizontal slit to a mouth; a long, thin torso with no ribs or genitals evident; long, spindly, but strong, arms reaching to the knees; thin legs and hands with 3 long jointless fingers that end in claws instead of fingernails.
Other types of grays have been reported with different skin colors and different body types, I will refer to those as gray 2, 3, and so on.
Gray 2- 5 feet tall
Gray 3- 7 feet tall
Gray 4- mushroom white skin
Gray 5- brown skin
Gray 6- Black skin
Gray 7 -have large eyes with a mictating membrane which can extend across the eye
Gray 8- has midnight blue eyes
Gray 9- has fine small amounts of hair on their heads
Gray 10- has 4 fingers
Gray 11- with 3 or 4 fingers and another finger positioned where the human thumb would be
Gray 12- whose fingers end with suction cups
Praying Mantis Type-Have long, narrow faces with long, narrow large eyes slanted upward and outward in an almost V positon. They have thin, long torso; long, thin arms which are usually crooked; a sharp bend at mid joint with the hand and fingers growing almost eratically onward from the wrist; and legs bent at an almost right angles, creating a crouched pose..both males and females have been reported.
The Nordics
Reported mostly in the 1950s and 60s but declining steadily in reports after that, the Nordics get their name from their appearance. They tend to look like blond haired, blue-eyed, light-skinned men and women in excellent physical condition who wear clothing similar to that of humans. Their nature has often been called "catlike" because they move with great agility and seem to have superior strength and dexterity. Usually six to seven feet tall, they tend to be very imposing and many reports show them to have certain psychic powers. The most common of these seems to be a form of telepathic suggestion, wherein the witnesses actually have a conversation with the Nordic but don't seem to remember the alien actually "saying" anything.
The overall behavior of the Nordic aliens tends to be almost informal. Most encounters with these beings tend to take place in rural towns or on highways in areas with low populations. Their conversations with humans tend to be deceptive and with no real point, yet those contacted by them don't seem to realize this until long after the contact has taken place. Few cases of Nordic contact seem to involve abductions or experimentations.
The Reptiles
The Reptile alien is by far the most violent of all the alien races reported over the world. Reptilian aliens stand up to eight feet tall in a roughly human shape and have scaly green skin with yellow to green snake-like eyes. Their strength tends to be superior to that of humans, and most alleged abductees found themselves hopelessly outclassed physically by these beings. In some cases, their eyes tend to be overly large like the gray aliens, leading some to speculate they are in fact Grays the witnesses can't quite remember clearly. In any case, the reptile aliens act much differently than their Gray counterparts. Their hands tend to be taloned, but fully capable of manipulating tools and weapons.
The Reptile aliens, by most accounts, are encountered in pairs or threes, usually at night in a field or forest. Reports have these aliens firing beam weapons on humans, killing or immobilizing them, and taking them to their ships for experimentation and in some instances torture. Documented accounts (including one we picked up not long ago) are very gruesome indeed, involving disemboweling or dismembering of humans or animals. Few reports involving the Reptiles are pleasant to hear.
Few reports have surfaced about these aliens, and those that do sometimes place them in the service of other alien types, usually the Grays. These aliens tend to be of artificial construction, usually some kind of shiny metal, with various appendages for specified tasks, which usually seems to include collecting samples of everything from soil, plants, and in a few cases humans.
Some witnesses have described the robots as hovering disks up to seven feet in diameter or cylindrical creations in the more conventional perception of a robot, complete with blinking lights and dome-like heads, and yet others give them a more human description. Many reports place them as scouts for the Grays, and at least one report had a number of them controlled by a Nordic. Usually, they are encountered singly, roaming forests and even reported sifting through garbage in remote trash dumps. Based on the majority of reports of encounters with these mechanical aliens, their purpose seems to be more for scrounging and scouting than for direct contact with humans. Most cases involving robots usually have the robots leaving the area when coming into contact with humans. Whether the mode of travel is hovering, walking or rolling on wheels, the robots seem to exit the area with remarkable speed.
The Dwarf/Goblin is a class of aliens that seem to resemble the class of mythological creatures that they are named after. Like the mythological beasts, they tend more towards practical jokes, pranks and other annoying tricks than in the actions of the other alien classifications.
The Chupacabra beast is considered by many ufologists to be an extension of this alien classification. Whatever its origins farmers, police and even government authorities have taken the creature's killing of goats and other animals very seriously, to the point of sending out armed patrols to hunt the creature down.
It is arguable that this class is actually an extraterrestrial at all. Indeed most cases involving these creatures do not follow the same patterns of most human contact with aliens. They seem to have no purpose other than to accost humans and have fun at their expense. To date, they have not been associated with experiments, abductions in the extraterrestrial sense (though in the sense of the traditional fairy tale this has occurred) or alien spacecraft of any kind. They are, however, included because they are still a subject of paranormal encounters and their relationship with other extraterrestrials is still a remote possibility.
Many UFO abductees have reported aliens that seem half Gray alien and half human, perhaps the end result of the apparent breeding programs that dominate accounts of Gray experimentations. They have large heads, but with hair, and while their noses, ears and mouths are more pronounced, the eyes are large like the Grays. The overall build is not as fragile as that of the Grays, but not quite as rugged appearing as a human. By nearly all accounts, they do not talk, and most do seem possessed of some psychic powers. Skin color tends to be much fairer than the Gray alien, but not quite of human pigmentation either. Skin texture seems to be human in nature without the webbing or mesh traits of the Grays.
It is important to note that these Hybrid types are almost always found in the company of the Grays aboard spacecraft, often used to calm frightened abductees and in many cases to have sexual relations with them. No cases to our knowledge have ever placed the Hybrids outside of the ships they come in, the reason communicated for this that they are too fragile or would be at risk on our planet. In no cases do the Hybrid aliens seem to be in control of things, and aside from calming and mating, seem to have no actual purpose in the running of the ships or in the experiments.
Light Beings
Some UFO cases involve beings of pure light, usually in the form of balls that hover several feet off the ground, are hard to look directly at, and communicate by telepathy. Given the fact that many of these encounters take place in remote swamps and fields at night, a direct comparison has often been drawn between these beings and the mythical will 0' wisps of Northern Europe. Like the dwarfs or goblin aliens, these balls of pure light seem more bent on frightening witnesses than any form of scientific investigation like the Grays, the Reptiles or to a less extent the Nordics.
finally blue skinned alien have been sighted. They are 3 to 4 feet tall and quite thin. Their skin tone is quite darkish blue and somewhat see-through. You can almost distinguish veins running through their heads. They haven't been seen wearing any clothes. They are child-like in behavior and tend to play humorous games.
other alien has been sighted like, that have been sighted like some hairy biped apes has been sighted around UFO and one was shot at and it went through the ape!. others incluidng small aliens, some wiht no eyes and a nose like carrots and other.
this ends our field guide as you can see many alien species in fact one scientist claims that 150 speices of aliens!. earth is appartenly a popular place or it shows how fertile the human mind can be at creating species
weird news
examples of human stupidity
Adam Tyson, 18, Jason Krueger, 20, and two pals were hospitalized in Clermont, Fla., in July with severe bee stings after imprudently deciding to vandalize a beehive colony in an orange grove; their truck got stuck in the sand just after they had set 50,000 bees swarming. And in July in Sparta, Wis., Darkalena Large, 43, insisted that she and her car were fine, but police arrested her anyway on suspicion of drunk driving after finding her in the car, which was stuck on a curb with one tire missing and the wheel's rim badly mangled (and recently on fire, according to a witness). Also, a nearby resident brought over part of the rim, which had been broken off and propelled into the air and through his second-floor window. [WFTV (Orlando), 7-14-05] [LaCrosse Tribune, 7-6-05]
love and peace,
Alex Stallwitz
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