Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Friday, November 25, 2005
Happy Thanksgiving
dear readers
a happy Thanksgivings and a very happy holiday season whatever you pratice or believe.
Love and Peace,
Alex STallwitz
Monday, November 21, 2005
The Strange Saga of Gef the Talking Mongoose
dear readers
the isle of man is a island out the coast of England, it is a wind swept area and not much happens there but during the 1930's a bizzare case involving a monogoose named Gef that actually spoke the strange tale begins with the Irvings, a normal family that was center of some major league weirdness...
In the September of 1931, James Irving, his wife Margaret and their daughter Voirrey, started to hear strange noises like a wild animal, which emanated from the attic of the farmhouse. Curiously the "voice" behind these noises started to develop. In a similar way to a baby learning to speak, the cries started to turn into the words spoken by James Irving and were repeated parrot fashion by the unseen creature. In a very short space of time, the being had effectively learned to speak a good level of English!
Soon the creature, apparently a mongoose (a small rodent like animal famous for killing snakes) by the name of Gef, introduced itself to the Irving family. He told them that he had been born on June 7, 1852, in Delhi, India.
As well as talking, Gef, the mongoose, also developed a talent for singing. He knew the words to a good many popular songs and was also a bit of a joker, providing the family with an interesting source of entertainment, except for the time, when the Gef pretended to have been poisoned, which the family did not find in the least bit amusing.
Gef insisted on remaining hidden to the family, being seldom seen except for the daughter Voirrey. When asked by James to show himself he said he didn't like to be seen as he felt he was ugly and terrible looking The mongoose apparently resided within the walls of the house or would perhaps hide in the garden. The only evidences that the creature existed were the sound of its voice and a few other strange happenings, such as objects being moved and thrown about the house.
What sort of temperament did Gef have? The evidence available shows him to be of a benevolent and sensitive nature, but perhaps a little frisky and accident prone. Gef demonstrated his caring nature, during at least one occasion, when Margaret Irving managed to make contact with Gef. Margaret got to stroke the creatures fur, but unfortunately she cut her finger on Gef's sharp teeth in the process. Showing concern for the well-being of Margaret, Gef immediately instructed her to go and put ointment on the wound. On another occasion, Gef again showed his sensitive side. When the antics of the mongoose finally proved to be particularly annoying to the family, they threatened to move out of their house and leave him. This greatly upset Gef, who loved their company and was afraid that he would be left on his own. When the family decided to stay, Gef became much more obedient.
Frequently Gef would venture out of the house and journey around the Isle. His exceptional elusiveness was used to great effect, when he would spy on other people and report back to the Irvings with his tales of what was happening locally. Occasionally, some of the locals reported hearing the odd sounds of an invisible creature, which they believed to be the Irving's "pet" mongoose.
It is interesting to note at this point, that, on the Isle of Man in approximately 1912, a farmer who apparently owned some mongooses let them loose into his fields with the intention that they would kill the rabbits, which were proving to be quite a nuisance on his farmland. Could some of these mongooses have continued to have lived and bred on the Isle of Man?
Of course, it was only a matter of time before the story started to spread away from the Isle of Man, with many more people getting to hear about it. The story was a great favourite with the British press, with many journalists flocking to the Irving household, to try and catch a glimpse of this so elusive creature.
At about this time, the story was to capture the attention of a famous paranormal investigator of the time, named Harry Price.
Price set out to conduct a proper scientific study of the Irving's farmhouse, to try an obtain conclusive evidence of the existence of the mongoose. He got together a team of investigators and scientists, with which to try and accomplish this task.
The research itself was very unsuccessful. Price himself never even managed to catch so much as a glimpse of the animal, during his stay on the Isle. The resulting evidence produced was weak indeed, consisting of a few blurry photographs of something roaming outside, in the fields around the farmhouse. The best picture apparently bore quite a resemblance to a cat. Plus some hairs, which were found, were remarkably similar to those belonging to the Irving's dog, Mona.
The British Natural History Museum, also studied some of the evidence and discredited the alleged paw print casts, which the Irvings claimed, were made by Gef.
There was also a suggestion made that the voice of Gef was in actual fact made by the Irving's daughter Voirrey.
Price's own probable conclusion to these events was that Gef was a fantasy which provided entertainment and interest for the Irving family.
Intrestly Irving family themselves finally moved out of the farmhouse in 1937. Later in 1947, the new owner of the farm claimed that he had shot a "strange looking mongoose like animal," which had been roaming around the property. Although some say that this may well have been Gef, the majority of people on the Isle of Man at the time were sure that Gef left the farmhouse along with the Irving family. When you consider how fond Gef was of the family, this makes for rather a pleasant end to the tale.
what had happen? was what was Gef, A ghost, a mutation? or a animal spirit? or was he a vicious fraud or hoax perputed by a bored family looking for attention, but what of the evidence or the photos,or the strange animal shot after the Irvings lefted or becuase after all mongeese were on the Isle Of Man at one tiem like much in the world the sag of Gef hasn't or won't ever be explained...
a strange story huh, i like to thanks everyone who reads this, from my fans or the people who think i'm nuttier than a coconut, the point I'm just happy you read it at all, whatever because its fascinating or jsut to feel good about yourself or 5 min or an 5 hours,thank you for reading !
love and peace
Alex Stallwitz
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Walk Like An Martian?
dear readers
here is an strange story from that may or may be fake but is still DFTE approved, so here we go
Ancient Egyptians used helicopters and airplanes for battles?
11/11/2005 10:47
There is a scientific theory that says that Egyptians descended from Martians who had once visited this planet
It was even before Christ that Greeks took a keen interest in the culture and history of people living on the banks of the Nile River. In 1848, one of numerous archeological expeditions working in Egypt discovered strange hieroglyphs at the height of about ten meters right above the entrance to the Seti Temple in Abydos. The walls were covered with the strange signs that greatly puzzled researchers. The only thing the researchers realized at once was that they had discovered some images of strange mechanisms that nobody ever saw before.Seti Temple in Abydos
It is still unknown what exactly an artist living about 3,gu000 years ago engraved on the walls. The archeological expedition carefully copied the mysterious signs on the temple walls, and the hieroglyphs gave rise to endless disputes and heated debates among Egyptologists. As a result, majority of Egyptologists arrived at a conclusion that there were just four strange objects drawn in different variations. Unfortunately, researchers of the 19th century failed to understand what ancient Egyptians actually drew on the temple walls. Like any sensation the mysterious Abydos hieroglyphs were absolutely forgotten some time later.
In about 150 years, the respectable Arab newspaper Al-Sharq Al-Awsat published several sensational photos taken in the Amon Ra Temple in Karnak. At that, the newspaper asked its readers whether they believed that ancient Egyptians knew about battle aviation. The question would have seriously puzzled readers under some different conditions. But the photos the newspaper published demonstrated the bas-reliefs of an ancient temple built under Seti I who ruled 3,000 years ago; and on the bas-reliefs an ancient artist engraved a battle helicopter with a distinct rotor and a tail unit. Nearby, the artist depicted several other aircrafts astonishingly resembling contemporary supersonic fighters and heavy strategic bombers!
After the sensational publication of the photos it became clear why Egyptologists of the 19th century could not tell what was depicted on the walls of the temple in Abydos. Indeed, the researchers did not know how helicopters and aircrafts look.
Pharaoh Seti I was always known as the most famous and successful regents in Ancient Egypt who actively expanded his estates and had to repulse attacks of enemies. Do the published sensational pictures mean that the Pharaoh even employed battle aviation to fight enemies?
Well-known Egyptologist Alan Alford left to the Nile banks to study the Abydos mystery. The researcher studied the mysterious hieroglyphs and made sure that what seemed absolutely incredible was in fact quite real. Alford told journalists that ancient Egyptians had depicted a real helicopter model as if they made the engravings from life.
So, researchers got two almost identical sets of drawings from Karnak and Abydos which seemed be not accidental at all. Skeptics recollected that "Bee" was one of the names of Pharaoh Seti I and stated that the mysterious drawings were in fact attempts of an ancient artist to draw a bee. They would not believe that Egyptians might know about helicopters.
At the same time, world-famous ufologist Richard Hogland declared that the mysterious drawings just proved his theory saying Egyptians descended from Martians who had once visited this planet. The researcher explains that Martians chose Ancient Egypt for landing because of its landscape wonderfully resembling the Martian one.
But the ufologist failed to explain the origin of a submarine which was also engraved nearby the battle helicopter on the walls of the temple in Abydos. And the drawing was incredibly detailed. And researchers had to confess they were still too far from solving the mystery of the hieroglyphs and the frescos. It is perfectly clear that there are no seas on Mars, and the drawings of a submarine thus could not be made by "descendants of Martians" as Hogland called Egyptians as they had no notion what a submarine may be.
Click on this link to see a photo galery of Egyptian mysteries
In the past years of the 20th century, many of Mars researchers actively supported Hogland's theory. They believed that failures of automated interplanetary space stations to land on Mars were closely connected with the mysterious hieroglyphs discovered on the walls of ancient temples. The researchers stated that millions of years ago a unique anti-missile shield was created around Mars for safe protection from curious and aggressive unwanted guests. When ufologists are told that some automated vehicles actually landed Mars and even took photos revealing there is no civilization on the planet, they say that terrestrials will be able to see only what Martians want and let us know about them.
Famous Egyptologist Bruce Rowles gives another interesting hypothesis about the origin of the strange hieroglyphs. He says there were no interplanetary expeditions from other star systems to this planet in the old times. He supposes that Egyptian pagan priests knew many of nature secrets. It is a proven fact that 3,000 years ago Egyptians made the first batteries and generated electricity. Bruce Rowles also supposes that pagan priests in Ancient Egypt could look to the future where they quite probably saw battle helicopters, aircrafts and submarines. But Rowles' hypothesis is as unstable as the theory of Hogland.
Today, the disputes about the mysterious hieroglyphs are still heated. Some researchers believe that Egyptians knew aeronautics secrets and could fly but later the secrets were lost. But others insist that enthusiasts are too imaginative if they see modern helicopters, aircrafts and submarines in Egyptian engravings and bas-reliefs. Let us forget the heated disputes and see what history says on the issue.
Popular scientific literature says that Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamen died 3,300 years ago as a result of an air crash. Historian William Deutch made the sensational statement and also said that ancient Egyptians could go up to the clouds with balloons inflated with hot air and with primitive gliders. Such flights were available for the royal family and nobility only. Deutch says that many of the royal family in Ancient Egypt including Tutankhamun himself died with their legs broken and numerous wounds as if they tragically died as a result of an aircraft crash. The researcher is sure that strange objects depicted in discovered ancient engravings and drawings were in fact the first flying devices. Deutch even made many models of such aircrafts and found out that many of them could soar in the air. William Deutch says that aeronautics first appeared in Egypt and then spread to the territories currently known as Tibet, India, Mexico, Turkey, China and Guatemala, in other words those territories where air flows could hold aircrafts in the skies.
An elegant 4-centimeter item which was obviously used as an amulet or a pendant made not later than the first millennium B.C. is known as "the Columbia gold airplane". As of today, researchers have found 33 items of the type on the territories of Columbia, Peru, Costa Rica and Venezuela. All of them are different on the outside but have the same principle of airplane construction with the horizontal and vertical keel empennage. Ancient artists often made them look like creatures covered with scales and with glowing eyes. But biologists of the world admit that the gold items cannot be identified with any known creature of fossil or contemporary fauna on the planet.
Contemporary aerotechnics experts believe that "the gold airplane" might be a model of an aerospace aircraft with an opening cockpit; a model of a freight aircraft for landing water for one-time use only and even a model of a sub-aquaplane. But in fact, experts could discern an airplane in the gold model long ago.
In 1956, "the gold airplane" was among exhibits of the Pre-Columbian Gold exhibition in Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. The deltoid wing and the vertical plane of the tail unit atypical of birds drew attention of American aircraft designers. The directors of the exhibition allowed testing the ancient "aircraft" in a wind tunnel. It turned out that the gold model could soar at supersonic speed, the issue which was widely studied in that epoch. The ancient model helped aircraft designers of Lockheed create a supersonic plane, the world's best for that period.
weird, huh in the intrest of fairness, the Pravada is a newspaper in Russia that publishes story that may be questionable but i felt it was worth showing just for the sheer novelity of picturing egyptians and martians, and worth posting on DFTE
love and peace,
Alex Stallwitz