dear readers
Today date is 6/6/06 or 666, If you don't know what that is it is the number of the beast or the antichrist. many people are taking advantage, the remake of the omen is premiring today and most odd the intrest rate on loans is 6.66% and many album are premiring today *
*Decemberunderground, the new AFI album will be released on 6/6/06 msn
* Satanic death metal band Deicide will release their album The Stench of Redemption on 6/6/06.
* The Thrash Metal Band Slayer will start their Unholy Alliance Tour with Lamb of God, Children of Bodom, Mastodon, and Thine Eyes Bleed on 6/6/06
o Slayer guitarist Kerry King planned to release the band's 2006 album on 6/6/06. But because of recording difficulties, he's changed the date and used the date of 6/6/06 as the launch date for his personal website.
o The National Day of Slayer (a play on the National Day of Prayer) is a day when Slayer fans are encouraged to play their songs at high volume.
* Polish Death Metal band Behemoth will release their album "Demonica" on 06/06/06
* Norwegian black metal band Gorgoroth will release their album "Ad Majorem Sathanas Gloriam" on 06/06/06 also
* Dino Cazares's (ex. Fear Factory Guitarist) band Asesino, is releasing a new album Cristo Satánico at 6/6/06
* Finnish band and Eurovision winners Lordi release Hard Rock Hallelujah in the United Kingdom on 6/6/06
* Irish film-maker Gary Kenneally releases the definitive complete edition of his debut movie The Shaken on 6/6/06 in preparation for its sequel in Summer 2006
what is the big deal about 666 you ask lets find out
the meaning of 666
the king james bible says in revelations 13-17-18
"and that no man might buy or sell, save that he had the mark, or the name of the beasts or the number of his name" Here is wisdom. let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: count the number of the beast, for it is a number of man; and his number is six hundred threescore and six".
as we can see 666 is the beast or the Antichrist, no one can buy without the mark of the beast, many scholars have wander how this would happen, A number on the forehead a barcode or recently microchips under the skin implant. this number is considered unholy and evil, howver recently a new translation surface saying the number is 616!
some persons believed that the number shows the antichrist, many candiates include roanld reagan! nero, adolf hitler and others.
why it is the number varies, most schoalrs believed it is an allegory or a number of pure evil. some claming because 7 is a holy number to numberlogists and its shows up amny time in the bible Judges 16:13-19, Proverbs 9:1, 2 Chron. 29: 20-21, Genesis 21:28-30, Lev:16:19, Lev. 23:15, Lev.25:1-9, and many times in Revelation. Christians worship a Triune God; 1 God in 3 parts. 777 is the number of God; perfect in every respect. Irenaeus clamied that suggested that the number indicates that the beast is the sum of all apostate power, unrighteousness, wickedness, deception, and false prophecy.
the number in culture
it shows up constantly in movies and books about hell and devil. it is also pervant in rock music and shows up in album art and songs like the metal band Slipknot's heretic anthem which chants "if you are 555 I'm 666" In The Pixies song "Monkey Gone To Heaven" the lyrics state that "If man is 5...then the devil is 6...then God is 7" suggesting that man is represented as 555, the devil as 666, and God as 777. the briefcase in pulp fiction's combation lock is 666. A brand of cold medicine is called 666 but it is stated as "three sixes". The first Apple Computer, the Apple I, was sold for $666.66.
The film The Exorcist, dealing with diabolical possession, was edited at 666th Fifth Avenue.
The numbers on a roulette table (1 to 36) sum to 666.
The sum of the squares of the first seven primes is 666.
Stanley Kubrick (director of 2001: A Space Odyssey) died 666 days before January 1, 2001.
0.666 is approximately two-thirds of one whole, one short of all three thirds. Because three is the number of the trinity, it is suggested that the number is meant to represent being in communion with God only in the mind and spirit (but not the body). A recurring theme in most Christian Bible versions of the latter chapters of Revelation is Satan's attacks upon the human body.
A widespread conspiracy theory concerns the EAN or UPC bar codes, instituted in 1974, and found on most consumer products. The "control codes" in the left, middle, and right of the code appear on initial inspection to represent the number "6". Because of this, all EAN/UPC codes (so the theory goes) contain the number 666. One interpretation of the Book of Revelation indicates that the Number of the Beast is required for all business transactions — a role that the EAN/UPC code certainly fits. Also the inventor of the UPC code, George J. Laurer, has six letters in his first, middle, and last name [2], and, as of 2004, exactly 666 prefixes (out of possible 1000) are assigned in the EAN-13 namespace [3]. (Unfortunately, the control codes only appear to represent the number six if one is unaware that both the black bars and the spaces in between them are used to encode information.) Computer network port 666 is officially registered to ID Software, the publishers of the Doom series of games, for multiplayer game communication across a network; this is obviously a gimmick. ID Software is also headquartered in Suite 666. Port 616 is officially registered to SCO System Administration Server, much to the amusement of SCO's critics. Finally, the town of hell, michigan is having a once in a lifetime party celebrate 6/6/06.
as we can see the number of the beast is in the bible and causes people to pray and weep for the future or to party and play slayer. whatever you do today, remeber keep an eye out, because you nevr know what could happen today...
source wikipedia
love and peace,
Alex demon slayer Stallwitz
weird news
the IRS in 1980 due to complaints changed the number of 666 to 555 as the code to enter for individual accounts
the british driving, Vehicle, Licensing Center annouced that we were dropping the number 666 form car license plates after the holders claimed that they or their cars were cursed and in Tennessee, the davidson county DMV withdrew more than 300 plates bearing 666 after drivers refused to accept them.
news from www.newsoftheweird.com
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