dispatches from the edge

Proudlly showcasing the weird, bizarre, and the downright creepy since 2005

Monday, February 28, 2005

closeup of the Patterson film "BigFoot" Posted by Hello

frame 352 of the famous and controversial patterson film real or fraud you decide!  Posted by Hello

zoom of the illkey moor alien photo  Posted by Hello

illkey moor photo of alien more info to come  Posted by Hello

frame of film found in KGB archives showing a UFO crash in a russian forrest Posted by Hello

ufo pictures taken in the 1950's Posted by Hello

into thin air, mysterious disapperances

dear readers

there is a tv show on CBS called without a trace. it tells the story of the cases a misiing persons bureau runs into every week. their are people who have dissappear snd have never been seen since. The late charles fort was fond of the stories like this. famous people have disappear, jimmy hoffa, ameila earhart, ambrose bierce among others. a popular story was of the farmer that disappear crossing his field and vanshed in the middle of the field into thin air. one of the oddest stories was the dissapperance at the eilens more lighthouse. the lighthouse was builded in 1899 on a island of eileen more. the island was supposely ihabited by fairies. in 1900 a crew of three men were stationed. things went well unti dec 12 when the light went out but the island couldn't be reached becuase bad weather. they found that the lighthouse was deserted when they reached it on the 26th. legend has it they found a dinner of mutton and half-eaten potatoes , and two sets of boots and coat were missing.. what had happened, theories abounded, angry fairies, aliens, sea monsters, but the most creditable theorie was they got swept by a freak wave doing repaires. but ones doesn't know

mary celeste

one of the most famous dissapperance was the mary celestie was a sailing ship thta was bounded to new york from glaitor. in an strange twist, the captain of the dei gratia. the ship that found the mary celestie had dinner with the captain of the doomed vessel in new york several months later. the ship was found in perfect condition expect for a missing life boat and a piece of the front railing was gone. it is a myth that they found a half eaten meal in the gallery but the captain's son toys were still in his quarters. the gallery was a mess as the stove was turned over . and everything was wet and damp. curiously they had lefted their pipes and oilskins. oil skins are raincoats by the way. what had happened. the best theory I have heard was they were transporitng ethyl alcohol. it is a voltile mixture and prone to fire. the crew not knowing this abandoed ship and were sweepted by a wave and drowned. or amutiny occured and they killed the captain left the ship and were sweepted overboard and we may never know. but it remains one of the mystires of the sea

regions of the world are notroious for dissappearnce like the "bermuda triangle" hte devil's triamngle and surprisly the great lakes region. the reasons put forth like ufo's alien, ancient curses, or holes in time and space. the most famous was the flight 19 disspparance in which a whole squad of navy TBM avengers disappered! the great lakes can be explained becuase the sea has lots of momentium but because of wide spaces, the energy is spreaded out while the great lakes is squeezed into a small spaces and thusly accountly for the high waves. i can vouched for this in personal exprience. i got a pair of shoes were wet becuase of lake erie.

finally the last stories is the strangest, it was a airpalne that was a carter flight. it was intersing because a member of the royal family of the united arab emiries was board their. it disapper in mid flight over the sahara. a two week search was used but no luck and a 3 million dollar self fiancialed search by the royal family turned up no results. the story gets stranger. they founded the air in the sid eof a mountian or a ravine i think. no one was in it. it didn't help that nomads had looted it. the creepy part was there was no bodies! only some small bones the size of a finger that powered when touched. what had happen to the planes and where were the bodies. wild animals should have lefted some trace .

see you later, guys and gals and remeber keep your eyes and ears open becuase oyu never know what you will see and heard.

peace, A.S

Saturday, February 26, 2005

charles fort

dear readers

today i would like to talk about a man named charles fort. he was a little like me. he had a normal life until one day he inherited some money. he used it to devote the rest of his life to going to libraries (my dream job;.) and scouring scientfic journals for weird things like people bursting into flames, strange rains, and lights in the sky and people who walked out the door and vanshed. he than wroted comments about them. he thenuse his notes to write four books like the Book Of The Damned, New Lands, Lo! and Wild Talents. he would write outlandishing theories about the causes of the mysteries. he did this to show that science had became a religion and needed to knocked down. he pointed strange things because scientists had a habit of ignoring or making silly therioes about them. this blog I think is keeping in the spirit of charles fort. and in the spirit of him, here are some fortean tales

a woman named mary reeser was found dead appartenly burned alive. her body was a smouldreing lump of ashes. the heat had been so high that it had coated the walls with a thick greasy substance and had melted some plastic switches. it had shrinked her skull and had fused her liver to her verbatium the only part of her body lefted her left foot in a slipper. authorties were baffled as a cigraette fires could not have cause this.

strange rains

the skies have rained strange things. here is a list

stones, pennies, fish of all kinds, crabs, shrimp ,alligtors,grain, green slimes, leaves,lizards,seeds, salamanders, a turtle worms and supposed a troll felled from the sky in norrkoping, sweden and most distrubing of all blood and flesh

a funeral procession in los angles had blood and meat raine out of a clear sky for three minutes. it even had hairs and organs included.

and finally, in 1939 a miltary transport plane lefted the marine naval air in san diego and lefted at 2:39 pm. 3 hrs later. a fanatic distress signal was sounded by radio over the pacific and faded out. the plane than came limped into san diego. the personal rushed onto the plane and discovered that everyone but the co pilot was dead. but the co pilot died before he could tell anything. all the bodies had graping wounds and the pilot and copliot had empty their .45 pistrols into something. the shells were found on the cockpit floor. a foul ordor lingered into the air. the outside was damaged. like it was hit with "missiles" and stranger still the personal who had boarded come down with a sickness. the military quietly covered it up and disposed of the bodies. what had the plane runned into and what had killed the crew?. creepy huh

weird news

people with issues

a man from tasmania. jumped into the ape enclosure at the Melbourne Zoo and yelled "I come to kill a gorilla" and kicked and punched a 220 pound ape before being locked into a cage.

that's all ladies and gentlemen

until next time love and peace

Thursday, February 24, 2005

massive photo update

hey readers.

i have uploaded a huge chunk of photoes enjoy.

ps. all photos are copyright and belong to their owners.

don't want to get sued :.)

the ghost of the tulip staircase Posted by Hello

the famous "brown lady" ghost photo Posted by Hello

the tempton photo. more info to come  Posted by Hello

ghost photo taken of burning building Posted by Hello

another photo of the "shunk ape"  Posted by Hello

ghost in photo Posted by Hello

photos of the "shunk ape" Posted by Hello

supposed phantom hitchhiker Posted by Hello

de loys ape. a ape that was supposly shot and killed by the border of panama and columbia Posted by Hello

strange creature up in a tree Posted by Hello

deer on a electric pole  Posted by Hello

the ghost faces of belmz

dear readers

one of the most creepy pictures i have seen is on my blog. it is one of the pictures on my blog. it is from one of the strangest story i have heard. the story begins on aug 23, 1971 at a house on 5 real street in belmz, spain. home of the Pereira family. the mother saw a strange blob on the hearth. it grew everyday until it became a face. they lefted in fear and later thinking it resmbled a saint at the local church. the father Miguel took a pickaxe and smashed it. a week later it came back! the Pereira family became the talk of Belemz. slowly more faces resmbled male and female. the town was divided if it was a hoax or true. one day a proferssor from madrid. his name escapes me. he called it the most important paranormal events of the century. he did a test by covering the floor with a jacket and sealing a room for 3 months. the professor in front of his fellow colleguaes. they opened the room and a face had appeared. and the faces stop appearing after the tests and having been seen since . the faces cannot be removed form the floor. tests ahve been run on everything science can run. they cannot be explained. strangely,EVPs have been recorded. if you don't know EVP are recording supposly by ghosts. why the faces were there in the first place. they had evaculated under the floor earily and had discovered a mass of bones and two headless bodies. they were of young people dating back to the 13th century. it was found to be a cementry for a muslem cementry, and a Catholic church burial site as well. the ghost faces of belemz are a mystery and proof that sometimes they are things on this earth that cannot be explained.

on a related note i have added more photoes please check on feb archieves to see them.

i have decided when i update i will add account of my less exciitng life. I would thank my readers you guys and gals are awesome.

peace, alex

deer found on electric pole Posted by Hello

Monday, February 21, 2005

the mothman

the saga of the mothman began on nov 12 1966 in Point Pleasant, West Virginia. two men were in a cementry preparing a burial when they saw that like "a brown human being" later two couples at a abandoned tnt factory. this factory became a focus point for the mothman. they were probarly doing like young people in love do;>) when they sighted a two large eyes on to a pair of wings . more sightings occured and finally a press confrence was held the young couples repeated their story. a batman villian was popular he was called the mothman and thus the moinker stuck. attempts to find the mothman were hampered by the fact that the tnt factory was honeycombed with tunnels and a wildlife sanctuary was nearby giving the "mothman many places to hide . john keel, a writer claimed in his bestselling book and later turned into a movie the mothman propheries calmied that the mothman could be tied into ufo's sightings, MIB (men in black) and cattle mutilations. all of which will explained in later columns. most scary of all a mothlike creature was sighted on the sliver bridge which later that day collapsed and killed 46 people! and a group of 12 lights were sighted later that night on the day of collapse. and MIB sightings were reported and even strangely a legend of a curse was borned, as people attached to the mothman sightings started to die. for a full list go to www.lorencoleman.com , interstingly the mothman has became a tourist attraciton in point pleasant, west virginia and you buy t-shirt and beanies and more and a festival has gone on. the mothman will live on. what was the mothman, many sightings were atributed to sandhill cranes , a mutant owl or a alien or a freak of nature many theories were put forth. but the story is not over on september 11 a amateur photographer clamied that a picture he has taked of the first or second tower collapse has a small moth like figure flying away. maybe the mothman is a demon or angel of death that is attracted to death and suffering which would explained his proxmity to the sliver bridge and the world trade center attacks, like much in the world we may never know...

no news as i went long remeber if you like dispatches from the edge be sure to listen to coast to coast am on the radio. go to www.coasttocoastam.com for details and to find a station that carries near you.

Friday, February 18, 2005

arist's drawing of the mothman, soon to be subject of next update Posted by Hello

Thursday, February 17, 2005

(Back To The Future) The saga of john titor

in november of 2000 to march 2001, a man call himself john titor appeared on message boards around the internet. he clamied to be from the future year of 2036. he left messages on internet fourms everywhere. j.t (john titor) claimed to an solider. he sented pictures and chated on the internet with various people. the future he predicted wasn't pretty, he predicted a civil war in u.s that started in 2004-05 and escalated in 2008 and a global nuclear war in 2018 with russia. he, predicted a rise in mad cow disease and various others. his reason to be there was of all things a IBM 5100! he claimed the most popular years are 1960-1980 what is the truth is john titor a vicious liar or an actual time traveler. he disappeared leaving the mystery for all to solve . for more info go ww.johntitor.com


the man who wroted the song keep the home fires burning burned to death in his house.

a woman who decided to kill herself due to her unfaithful lover. leaped off a building and landed on her lover he died, she survived

till next time this is Alex the last freeman Stallwitz

ghost face of belemez  Posted by Hello

new update

a quick update i have added some photos of various paranormal things . enjoy

chupa photo Posted by Hello

a billy weier ufo photo Posted by Hello

drawing of lizard man  Posted by Hello

photo of flipper of loch ness monster Posted by Hello

photo of the loch ness monster Posted by Hello