dispatches from the edge

Proudlly showcasing the weird, bizarre, and the downright creepy since 2005

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

weird news update

dear readers

if you are a new or old readers or came from my friend sarah's website, welcome to Dispatches From The Edge. as you can see we cover the paranormal, weird news and behavior by people. a example of how we can't make this stuff up

A 40 yr old woman was jailed in Grand Junction, Colorado accused of jumping the fence nude to wrestle a dog. the woman (who's name I withheld) scaled a frence and stripped to westled with the male Labrador retriever blue-heeler mix. she clamied that she was "having sex with the dog" and does it all the time. the dog's owner said the woamn has been friendly with the odg but has been acitng strangley lately, he told the Grand Junction Sentienel, "what took place last night, I don't even want to guess" the dog was no hurt, the woman was arrested on a previous warrant.

nothing I could say, could top that story

love and peace,

Alex Stallwitz


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