dispatches from the edge

Proudlly showcasing the weird, bizarre, and the downright creepy since 2005

Thursday, March 17, 2005

(wihtout a trace) more strange disapperances

dear readers

i have found more dissapperances, that i must tell you about. here for your approval, more vanshings

james burne worson

worson was a shoemaker who had a habit of boasting of his running skill so some friends decided on september 3 1872 to challenged worson to run the 40 miles from Leamington to Coventry. He accepted and his friend followed him in cart. he run for several mile easily talking with his friend on the cart. when he was half dozen yards away , he seems to stumble in the road, he fell forward and yelled in terror, he dissapper and despite efforts to find him he was never seen again

The missing battleon

during world war I duirng the Gallipoli, two New Zealand soliders clamied to have witnessed a battleon of english solider marching up a hill in Sulva Bay, Turkey the hill was covered in a low cloud the soilders marched into the cloud , they came out and the cloud supposly lifted off of the hill into the sky, and the soliders were never seen again. however many doubters have claimed that the "missing battleon" were killed in later battles and never disappered. thye have proof that out of 34,000 men 6,000 are acocunted for but believers wondered what happened to 28,000 other men?

Oliver Larch

on Christmas Eve, 1899 a boy named Oliver Larch of South Bend, Indiana went out around to get some water from a well when his parents and their company "help, something got me" they rushed out and discovered the pail of water. creepily, his footprints ended halfway near the well and no trace was found of him again

the dispperance of the riverboat Iron Mountain

in june of 1872, the riverboat Iron Mountain lefted Vicksberg, Virginia loaded with a cargo of cotton and molasses. she was carriyng 52 passengers. when she doesn't showed ,they discovered her barges floated by themselves, their cables had been cutted, not snapped but no trace of the ship or its 52 passengers were seen again

The Eskimo Village

in november 1930, Joe Labella a trapper snow-shoed into a Eskimo village on the shores of Lake Anjukini, he first noticed that it was creepily silent. Labella thought it was odd because the village had over 2,000 people living there. he went to each home and discovered that the village had disppeared. he noticed a flickering fire and discovered that a pot of blacked stew. and one footprint was discovered leaving the village. Labella went to a telegraph and called for the Candian Mounted Police they returned and mounted a search party. they discovered some strnage things, all the villagers had lefted their suppiles in their huts and their sled dog were founded in a snowbank buried at the perimeter of the village. they had straved to death and most distrubing of all all the graves were empty despite the soil being rock hard. even weirder later that night a eerie blue light apperanced on the horizon it pulsed and faded. no trace was or has been founded of the village. on a unrelated note, famed horror writer Dean Koontz used the story in his book Phantoms as what (Minor spolier alert if you want to read it skip this part I recommend it, it was a good book ) had caused the town of snowfield to vanished and had caused the mssing battleon and the Eskimo village to dissapear. it was the creature known as the Ancient Enemy. as for the village no one knows what had happen. we may never know. it is another case for the Dispatches From The Edge

until next time remeber, no mystery is closed to an open mind

love and peace

Alex Stallwitz


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