Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Burning Inside (Spotanous Human Combustion)
dear readers
one of the most scariest things i have read about is SHC or (Spotanous Human Combustion). people who have literally burning inside.
the scientfic study of SHc was first in a book in De Incendiis Corporis Humani Spontaneis by Jonas Dupon. Dupont was inspired to write this book after encountering records of the Nicole Millet case, in which a man was acquitted of the murder of his wife when the court was convinced that she had been killed by spontaneous combustion. Millet, a hard-drinking Parisian was found reduced to ashes in his straw bed, leaving just his skull and finger bones. The straw matting was only lightly damaged. Dupont's book on this strange subject brought it out of the realm of folkloric rumor and into the popular public imagination.
there are 200 reported cases and all of the cases have the same signs
All reported cases have occurred indoors.
The victims were always alone for a long period of time.
Witnesses who were nearby (in adjacent rooms) report never hearing any sounds, such as cries of pain or calls for assistance.
In the witnessed combustions - people are actually seen by witnesses to explode into flame; most commonly. Here the witnesses agree that there was no possible source of ignition and/or that the flames were seen to erupt directly from the victim's skin. Unfortunately, most of the known cases of this type are poorly documented and basically unconfirmed. Sometimes there are no flames seen by the witness.
Non-fatal cases - Unfortunately, the victims of these events generally have no better idea of what happened to them than do the investigators; but the advantage to this grouping is that a survivor can confirm if an event had a simple explaination or not. Thus, there are far fewer cases of Spontaneous Human Combustion with survivors that can be explained away by skeptics without a second look.
Sometimes victims develop burns on their bodies that have no known external cause. These strange wounds commonly start as small discomforts that slowly grow into large, painful marks.
Sometimes the victim will exhibit a mysterious smoke from the body. In these odd and rare occurences smoke is seen to emanate from a person, with no associated fire or source of smoke other than the person's body.
The body is normally more severely burned than one that has been caught in a normal fire.
- The burns are not distributed evenly over the body; the extremities are usually untouched by fire, whereas the torso usually suffers severe burning.
- In some cases the torso is completely destroyed, the bones being reduced completely to ash.
- Small portions of the body (an arm, a foot, maybe the head) remain unburned.
- Only objects immediately associated with the body have burned; the fire never spread away from the body. SHC victims have burnt up in bed without the sheets catching fire, clothing worn is often barely singed, and flammable materials only inches away remain untouched.
- A greasy soot deposit covers the ceiling and walls, usually stopping three to four feet above the floor.
- Objects above this three to four foot line show signs of heat damage (melted candles, cracked mirrors, etc.)
- Although temperatures of about 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit are normally required to char a body so thoroughly (crematoria, which usually operate in the neighborhood of 2,000 degrees, leave bone fragments which must be ground up by hand), frequently little or nothing around the victim is damaged, except perhaps the exact spot where the deceased ignited.
Perhaps the most famous case occurred in St. Petersburg, Florida. Mary Hardy Reeser, a 67-year-old widow, spontaneously combusted while sitting in her easy chair on July 1, 1951. The next morning, her next door neighbor tried the doorknob, found it hot to the touch and went for help. She returned to find Mrs. Reeser, or what was left of her, in a blackened circle four feet in diameter.
All that remained of the 175-pound woman and her chair was a few blackened seat springs, a section of her backbone, a shrunken skull the size of a baseball, and one foot encased in a black stain slipper just beyond the four-foot circle. Plus about 10 pounds of ashes.
The police report declared that Mrs. Reeser went up in smoke when her highly flammable rayon-acetate nightgown caught fire, perhaps because of a dropped cigarette.
But one medical examiner stated that the 3,000-degree heat required to destroy the body should have destroyed the apartment as well. In fact, damage was minimal - the ceiling and upper walls were covered with soot. No chemical accelerants, incidentally, were found.
another famous cases
On December 5, 1966, the ashes of Dr. J. Irving Bentley, 92, of Coudersport, Pennsylvania, were discovered by a meter reader. Dr. Bentley's body apparently ignited while he was in the bathroom and burned a 2-1/2-by-3-foot hole through the flooring, with only a portion of one leg remaining intact. Nearby paint was unscorched and a rubber walker tip was unmelted.
intersing the great writer Charles Dickens used SHC as a plot device in Bleak House. the villian Krook who is killed by SHC. It caused a minor uproar George Henry Lewes, philosopher and critic, declared that SHC was impossible, and derided Dickens' work as perpetuating a uneducated superstition. Dickens responded to this statement in the preface of the 2nd edition of his work, making it quite clear that he had researched the subject and knew of about thirty cases of SHC.
the most shocking cases was in 1938, in Chelmsford, England, a woman burst into flames in midst of a crowded dance floor! she then burned to death and became a pile of ashes, the great Charles Fort was fond of SHC and reported in his book Lo! many cases.
what is going on? can people burst into fire? the theroies on why it can happen are
Alchoholism - many Spontaneous Human Combustion vicitms have been alcoholics. But experiments in the 19th century demonstrated that flesh impregnated with alcohol will not burn with the intense heat associated with Spontaneous Human Combustion.
- Deposits of flammable body fat - Many victims have been overweight - yet others have been skinny.
- Devine Intervention - Centuries ago people felt that the explosion was a sign from God of devine punishment.
- Build-up of static electricity - no known form of electrostatic discharge could cause a human to burst into flames.
- An explosive combination of chemicals can form in the digestive system - due to poor diet.
- Electrical fields that exist within the human body might be capable of 'short circuiting' somehow, that some sort of atomic chain reaction could generate tremendous internal heat. but no reaosnable explansion can find all through experments with a pig wrapped in a sheet and a lit cigrattes show that the people can slowly burn to death but that doesn't explain all the cases.
in collusion people can burn to death and most chilling they can burn into flames in public or in private. what is the cause, like much in Dispatches in the edge we may never know, its another mystery unexplained.
information from
love and peace,
Alex Stallwitz
Monday, July 25, 2005
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Paul is a dead man miss him, miss him, Is Paul dead?
dear readers
everyone has heard of or is a fan of The Beatles, but a rumor beign to calucate in 1969 that paul had died in car crash, and thtat the beatles replaced with a looklike named billy shears, or billy campbell and he took paul's place. the beatles then hide clues for some reason on album art and backward in the music is paul dead or a vicious hoax we shall see..
album art clues
sgt pepper's lonely hearts club band
there is a doll and a toy car on fire . the car is paul's after the wreck and the doll is a female hitchiker that caused the wreck. on a ledge is a bloody glove next to the rolling stone doll. the doll with a crack head is paul and black tv is the news blackout. everyone is around a open grave that is paul's grave and ringo's wax staute of himself next to the real Beatles is looking mournful. the flowers in the front spell out be at leso's the island where they buried Paul. and on the back he is facing backward to show he is an imposter on his jacket is O.P.D or O.P.P which ether means Offically Prounced Dead, or ontario police patrol which Billy Campbell paul's double was a policeman before he was found by the looklike contest. finally most important, the drum kit when a mirror is placed in the middle it says 1 one , one he die, the ones are the three remaning beatles and he died is Paul.
Abby Road
all the beatles are dressed like a funeral John is the peacher in a white suit ringo is a mourner or funeral director, george is the gravedigger in casual clothes. paul has no shoes showing he is dead. a license says LMW 28if he would be 28 if he lived. and LMW is linda mccarthy weeps and abby road is where paul had his accident
backward messages and lyrics
the song i'm so tried says Paul is a dead man miss him miss him
revolution no 9 has many including a recreating of the car crash and an the word call a surgeon and turn me on dead man which is a refrence to a day in the life of in which john wishes he could turn on the dead young man in the lyric
strawberry field forever says I buried Paul
in don't pass me by he says you were in car crash and lost your hair
in glass onion which is coffin with a glass lad he says the walrus is paul
i am the walrus says
stupid bloody
Tuesday man you been a naughty boy
You let your face grow long.
I am the eggman oh, they are the eggman -
which refrences the head injury paul suffer
a day in the life refrences it as well
He blew his mind out in a car
He didn’t notice that the lights had changed
is paul dead is the paul an imposter and did they hide clues in the lyrics intersing paul made fun of the whole story by calling his tour and album paul is live. if intreised type paul is dead in asearch engine and see anymore clues than i laided out today.
love and peace,
Alex Stallwitz
Monday, July 18, 2005
the piasa bird,
dear readers
when i was 11 i went with my grandparents to Pere Marquette State PArk for a camping trip. when we were in town we learned of the piasa bird, and its mural on a river buff wall and how it was repainted. (the orginal was chipped when the bluf was a quarry) being the way i am today back then i never forgot the story of the piasa bird. later i did some readings and discovered that the piasa bird may have not been a quaint indian legend but be actually be true...
the story of the piasa bird
the folowing story I got on
many moons ago, there existed a birdlike creature of such great size, he could easily carry off a full grown deer in his talons. His taste, however, was for human flesh. the indian named the piasa which mean "a bird that devouers men" Hundreds of warriors attempted to destroy the Piasa, but failed. Whole villages were destroyed and fear spread throughout the Illini tribe. Ouatoga, a chief whose fame extended even beyond the Great Lakes, separated himself from his tribe, fasted in solitude for the space of a whole moon, and prayed to the Great Spirit to protect his people from the Piasa.
On the last night of his fast, the Great Spirit appeared to Ouatoga in a dream and directed him to select 20 warriors, arm them each with a bow and poisoned arrow, and conceal them in a designated spot. Another warrior was to stand in an open view, as a victim for the Piasa.
When the chief awoke in the morning, he told the tribe of his dream. The warriors were quickly selected and placed in ambush. Ouatoga offered himself as the victim. Placing himself in open view, he soon saw the Piasa perched on the bluff eyeing his prey. Ouatoga began to chant the death song of a warrior. The Piasa took to the air and swooped down upon the chief. The Piasa had just reached his victim when every bow was sprung and every arrow sent sailing into the body of the beast. The Piasa uttered a fearful scream that echoed down the river, and died. Ouatoga was safe, and the tribe saved.
cool huh, but here the plot thickens. the story was written on by a Jesusit Father Jacques Marquette who traveled with lousi joilet on their famous trip down the mississiipi river. he saw the orginal drawning on the bluff, and recorded a description of the painting in which the reproduction come from,
he Piasa "was as large as a calf with horns like a deer, red eyes, a beard like a tiger's, a face like a man, the body covered with green, red and black scales and a tail so long it passed around the body, over the head and between the legs."
in the 1840's a Professor John Russell with a guide explored a cave, that the indians consoidered the piasa's lair we later wroted a accout of what he found
Near the close of March of the present year, I was induced to visit the bluffs below the mouth of the Illinois River, above that of the Piasa. My curiosity was principally directed to the examination of a cave, connected with the above tradition as one of those to which the bird had carried his human victims.
"Preceded by an intelligent guide, who carried a spade, I set out on my excursion. The cave was extremely difficult of access, and at one point in our progress I stood at an elevation of one hundred fifty feet on the perpendicular face of the bluff, with barely room to sustain one foot. The unbroken wall towered above me, while below me was the river.
"After a long and perilous climb, we reached the cave, which was about fifty feet above the surface of the river....The roof of the cavern was vaulted, and the top was hardly less than twenty feet high. The shape of the cavern was irregular; but, so far as I could judge, the bottom would average twenty by thirty feet.
"The floor of the cavern throughout its whole extent was one mass of human bones. Skulls and other bones were mingled in the utmost confusion. To what depth they extended I was unable to decide; but we dug to a depth of 3 or 4 feet in every part of the cavern, and still we found only bones. The remains of thousands must have been deposited here. How, and by whom, and for what purpose, it is impossible to conjecture."
what had he found? a hoax or the lair of the beast, proof that the story was more than legend? nmany tribes have a legend of a thunderbird not the car but a spirit in the form of a huge bird that the cause of lighting and thunder. their are many sightings of larger than any known bird these are called thunderbirds sightings could the piasa bird be a thunderbird?
in 1948 a family outside of Caledonia Illinois saw a monster bird bigger than aairplane, a truck driver reported the same thing. did the piasa bird surevived or have eggs? in fact there was a flap of huge bird sightings in or around Alton. anymore shocking some of the animals have a habit of abuncitng people like in the lawndale incident...
the lawndale incident
n 1977 in Lawndale, a small town in Logan County. On the evening of July 25, two giant birds appeared above Lawndale. The birds were reported several times as they circled and swooped in the sky. Finally, they headed straight down and reportedly attacked three boys who were playing in the backyard of Ruth and Jake Lowe. One of the birds grasped the shirt of ten-year-old Marlon Lowe, snagging its talons into the cloth. The boy tried in vain to fight the bird off then cried loudly for help.
The boy’s cries brought Marlon’s mother running outside. She later reported that she had seen the bird actually lift the boy from the ground and into the air. She screamed loudly and the bird released the child. It had carried him, at a height of about three feet, for a distance of about 35 feet. She was sure that if she had not come outside, the bird had been capable of carrying the boy away. She later stated that the bird had been bending down, trying to peck at the boy as it carried him off. Luckily, although scratched and badly frightened, Marlon was not seriously injured.
Four other adults appeared on the scene within seconds of the attack. They described the birds as being black in color, with bands of white around their necks. They had long, curved beaks and a wingspan of at least 10 feet. The two birds were last seen flying toward some trees near Kickapoo Creek.
Investigator Jerry Coleman, who lived in Decatur at the time, was able to interview the Lowe family, and the other witnesses, within hours of the incident and detailed the event. He returned to Lawndale with his brother two years later to speak to the family again and discovered that the family had been harassed and bothered by media attention and by locals in the community. It was not uncommon to find dead birds on their doorstep in the morning, placed there by mean-spirited pranksters. the local game warden called them "liars". but they still claimed that they saw a something
the Tippah county incident
In Tippah County, Missouri in 1868. According to the report, an eight year-old child was actually carried off by what was described by his teacher as an “eagle”. It happened one day during school. The teacher’s account states that “a sad tragedy occurred at my school a few days ago”. He wrote that “eagles” had been very troublesome in the neighborhood, carrying off small pigs and lambs. No one thought that they would ever bother the local children until one afternoon when one of the birds swept down and picked up a boy named Jemmie Kenney and flew off with him. The other children called out but by the time the teacher ran outside to see what was going on, he could only hear the child screaming as he vanished into the sky. The teacher and the children on the playground began to cry out to raise the alarm in town and apparently, the noise frightened the bird and it dropped the boy. “But his talons had been buried in him so deeply, and the fall was so great, that he was killed.”
the mayan piasa bird
in 1968 the Science Digest had a report by a mexican archaelogist-jornalist Jose Diaz-Bolio about his disocvery of a Serpent bird Sculpture that he found in the ruins of Tajin located in Veracruz,Mexico he theorized that it was real animal that lived during the peoird of the Ancient Mayans- 1,000-5000 yrs ago the same time that the piasa bird reign of terror on the indians that lived near Alton.
what is going on, is the Piasa Bird real? is it a giant bird taht dwarfed current species or an ancient dinosaur that beat the mass exinction or ocmes through a hole in time. is the Piasa Bird a indian legend or a true tale. but what of the bird sightings around Alton and the Cave of bones that John Russuel found? did the indian chief Watego slayed the beast or did its or its offspring survied to plague man still diid it learned ot avoid man but still plagued us today. we may never know its another offering from Dispatches From The Edge. if you're intersing you can see the recreated mural on the bluff go there it is a cool place to go is Alton, go there and decided for oyurself and maybe you'll see one too...
love and peace,
Alex Stallwitz

a woman named Mrs. Andrews of queenland was visited her daughter's grave in a cemetery in Queensland, Australia in 1946 or 1947. she took a picture and was startled to see this. she was asked it was her daughter or a double exposure she thought it wasn't her daughter but intersing two infant girl graves are nearby at the cementry

Sunday, July 17, 2005
not understanding the concept
dear readers
a great story that is worth noting
The Rotary Club of Chatham, New Brunswick, announced in May that the grand prize in its raffle to help build a new environmental awareness center would be a Hummer. [Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 6-22-05] from
a step backward don't you agree...
love and peace,
Alex Stallwitz
Friday, July 15, 2005
a random collection of weirdness pt 2
dear readers
i'm sorry about the lack of posts, the demon known as world of warcraft sucked in its web. its like crack but becuase i care a update
Bad Parenting 101
After a passer-by found two kids (ages 12 and 6) dragging suitcases along a rural road near Marshfield, Mo., in June, prosecutors charged their mother, Roxanna Osborne, and her boyfriend, Timmy Young, with child abandonment. The kids said their mother had awakened them, given them $5 each, and told them to pack up and leave. The kids told police that the two adults are drug-users.KYTV (Springfield, Mo.), 6-10-05]
people with issues
Goat-hoarding continues as an occasional obsession, with a woman in Saarburg, Germany, evicted in June for sharing her home with 43 goats, and a man in Aiken, S.C., charged with animal cruelty in May for cohabiting for seven years with 200 goats in a house whose walls were gnawed away and which contained 3-foot-high hay stacks saturated with manure and urine.
Reuters, 6-7-05] [Augusta Chronicle, 5-20-05]
A sheriff's spokesman in Gastonia, N.C., said a local police officer, summoned to a hit-and-run scene, accidentally ran over the victim (though investigators later concluded that he was already dead) (June)
people with major issues
Adventures in Foil: Anthony Hudson, 43, a former city council candidate and a host of a cable TV program, was arrested in a disturbance in Akron, Ohio, in April; he was covered in silver Mylar foil, wearing an athletic supporter over his trousers, and calling himself the "King of Egypt." And housing authorities in Sacramento, Calif., ordered the D'Souzas on Timberwood Court to take down the sheets of aluminum they had placed around their home to stop the neighbors from allegedly bombarding them with radio waves, which they say had given them headaches, lupus and other illnesses. A Code Enforcement spokesman said there was also foil aplenty covering the inside of the house. [Akron Beacon Journal, 4-7-05] [KCRA-TV (Sacramento), 5-20-05]
and you thought the DMV took forever
The battle in New York between Nicholas Purpura, 62, and his ex-wife, Barbara, who married in 1983 and have been fighting over millions of dollars since their 1988 divorce. The New York Post reported in March that the case is "lurching to an end." Four of the judges who heard earlier parts of the case have since died
Darwin awards candiates
A man fell to his death from an overpass onto Interstate 5 in Seattle, the loser of a who-can-hang-the-longer game with a friend (May). And a 22-year-old intoxicated man from Aberystwyth, Wales, accidentally fell through a window and fatally landed on a spiked fence after having pulled down his trousers and screamed to no one in particular, "Who wants some of this?"
and fianlly, Russian "astrologist" Marina Bai has filed a lawsuit in the Presnensky district court in Moscow against the U.S. government's NASA, claiming that her business will be ruined if the agency is allowed, as planned, to crash a rocket into the Tempel 1 comet on July 4 to see what can be learned from the experience. Bai said the collision will "interfere with the natural life of the universe," which will in turn harm her "system of spiritual values," and she seeks 8.7 billion rubles (about US$311 million, which is the reported cost of the entire mission). [Moscow News, 4-19-05]
all news from newsoftheweird is by chick shepard. please don't sue
a major update to reward you for your patience
love and peace,
Alex Stallwitz