dispatches from the edge

Proudlly showcasing the weird, bizarre, and the downright creepy since 2005

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

an weekly weird news update

dear readers

here is an new feature i call our weird news roundup from www.newsoftheweird.com

glass houses and stones

In court papers filed in 1994 but which only recently drew public attention, lawyers for the Catholic Archdiocese of Portland, Ore., challenged a child-support claim against a priest by pointing out the culpability of the mother herself for failing to use birth control (which the church regards a grave sin). The 1994 document came to light when the woman went back to court in July 2005 for an increase in child support, but the court turned her down in deference to Father Arturo Uribe's vow of poverty, although Uribe's ordaining order subsequently volunteered more support. (The man who was archbishop of Portland during the 1994 case recently assumed Pope Benedict's previous job as the Vatican's chief doctrinist.) [Los Angeles Times, 8-3-05]

bad reasoning

(1) Ronald Schueller, convicted of attempting to hire someone to knock his estranged wife unconscious and kidnap her, said (according to prosecutors) that he was just trying to reconcile with her, based on an idea from a "Dr. Phil" TV segment in which the host said that sometimes people need a good scare to realize their delusions (Port Washington, Wis., August). (2) Jessica Stakelbeck, 22, charged with neglect when two of her diaper-clad toddlers were found on the side of a highway, blamed her lapse not on being high from her admitted methamphetamine habit but on sleepiness from missing her meth for several days (Franklin, Ind, August). [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 8-9-05] [Johnson County Daily Journal, 8-4-05]

wrongness center

News of the Weird has often mentioned cases of bestiality, but the death of a 45-year-old man in Enumclaw, Wash., in July was extraordinary. The death was reported in the local media as having occurred after "sex with a horse," but bestiality usually involves the human as the penetrator. In this case, though, the man died of acute peritonitis from a perforated colon, indicating that the horse was the penetrator. Investigators reportedly also seized videotapes of the activity, which took place at a nondescript farm that was apparently known in Internet bestiality chat rooms to be a covert haven for sex with livestock. (Washington is one of 17 states without a specific anti-bestiality law, and authorities said that the act was probably not a crime, in that the state's animal-cruelty law would require showing that the horse suffered.) [Seattle Times, 7-15-05, 7-16-05]

Lawyers for horror novelist Stephen King acknowledged in June that King had been sued once again by Anne Hiltner, who now claims that the obsessed, psychotic nurse in the movie "Misery" must have been based on her. She had earlier claimed that a psychic character from King's TV show "Kingdom Hospital" was based on her and sued him before that for allegedly breaking into her home and stealing manuscripts. [The Record (Hackensack, N.J.), 6-19-05]

and finally,

driver of suv crashes into operation room

Performing eye surgery is no simple task. Even with the aid of sophisticated instruments, the slightest miscalculation can cause irreparable damage to the patient's sight.

One South Orange surgeon learned yesterday morning, however, that the work is far more difficult when a 4,300-pound SUV comes barreling through the wall during an operation.

Bernard Spier was finishing a routine cataract surgery at Northern New Jersey Eye Institute at 8:37 a.m. yesterday when another patient drove his red Toyota 4Runner through the wall, stopping just inches from Spier and the patient lying partially sedated on a gurney in the middle of the room.

"I had my back to the wall, and I was looking through the microscope when I heard an explosion," Spier said as he sat amid the wreckage yesterday afternoon. "I looked off to the right, and all I saw was the wall caving in, and then I started to see the SUV."

With the front end of the vehicle inside the building and the front wheels spinning a cloud of dark smoke, Spier and his staff rushed the patient out of the room. A witness ran in from the parking lot and pulled the driver from the vehicle.

When the cataract patient regained all of his senses, his gurney was sitting on the sidewalk in front of the building while the SUV remained lodged in the operating room wall.

According to the police accident report, Floyd Hunt Jr., 77, of Newark was trying to back out of a parking space outside the operating room, but he failed to put the car into reverse.

When he hit the gas, the SUV hopped the curb and plowed through the wall, bending steel beams, buckling the ceiling and damaging a $70,000 ultrasound machine used to break up and remove cataracts.

this is from http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1470187/posts

as you can see the world is strange and is getting stranger.

love and peace,

Alex Stallwitz

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

types of aliens

dear readers

here is an "field guide to reported aliens reported by alien abuctees so here we go.


The Grays-The most commonly reported of all aliens. They are short, two legged beings that are three and a half feet tall with grayish/white skin. They have large hairless heads; huge, black, almond shaped eyes; a narrow jaw, tapered to an almost V; small nostril holes, but no nose; a small thin lip-less horizontal slit to a mouth; a long, thin torso with no ribs or genitals evident; long, spindly, but strong, arms reaching to the knees; thin legs and hands with 3 long jointless fingers that end in claws instead of fingernails.

Other types of grays have been reported with different skin colors and different body types, I will refer to those as gray 2, 3, and so on.
Gray 2- 5 feet tall
Gray 3- 7 feet tall
Gray 4- mushroom white skin
Gray 5- brown skin
Gray 6- Black skin
Gray 7 -have large eyes with a mictating membrane which can extend across the eye
Gray 8- has midnight blue eyes
Gray 9- has fine small amounts of hair on their heads
Gray 10- has 4 fingers
Gray 11- with 3 or 4 fingers and another finger positioned where the human thumb would be
Gray 12- whose fingers end with suction cups

Praying Mantis Type-Have long, narrow faces with long, narrow large eyes slanted upward and outward in an almost V positon. They have thin, long torso; long, thin arms which are usually crooked; a sharp bend at mid joint with the hand and fingers growing almost eratically onward from the wrist; and legs bent at an almost right angles, creating a crouched pose..both males and females have been reported.

The Nordics
Reported mostly in the 1950s and 60s but declining steadily in reports after that, the Nordics get their name from their appearance. They tend to look like blond haired, blue-eyed, light-skinned men and women in excellent physical condition who wear clothing similar to that of humans. Their nature has often been called "catlike" because they move with great agility and seem to have superior strength and dexterity. Usually six to seven feet tall, they tend to be very imposing and many reports show them to have certain psychic powers. The most common of these seems to be a form of telepathic suggestion, wherein the witnesses actually have a conversation with the Nordic but don't seem to remember the alien actually "saying" anything.
The overall behavior of the Nordic aliens tends to be almost informal. Most encounters with these beings tend to take place in rural towns or on highways in areas with low populations. Their conversations with humans tend to be deceptive and with no real point, yet those contacted by them don't seem to realize this until long after the contact has taken place. Few cases of Nordic contact seem to involve abductions or experimentations.

The Reptiles

The Reptile alien is by far the most violent of all the alien races reported over the world. Reptilian aliens stand up to eight feet tall in a roughly human shape and have scaly green skin with yellow to green snake-like eyes. Their strength tends to be superior to that of humans, and most alleged abductees found themselves hopelessly outclassed physically by these beings. In some cases, their eyes tend to be overly large like the gray aliens, leading some to speculate they are in fact Grays the witnesses can't quite remember clearly. In any case, the reptile aliens act much differently than their Gray counterparts. Their hands tend to be taloned, but fully capable of manipulating tools and weapons.
The Reptile aliens, by most accounts, are encountered in pairs or threes, usually at night in a field or forest. Reports have these aliens firing beam weapons on humans, killing or immobilizing them, and taking them to their ships for experimentation and in some instances torture. Documented accounts (including one we picked up not long ago) are very gruesome indeed, involving disemboweling or dismembering of humans or animals. Few reports involving the Reptiles are pleasant to hear.


Few reports have surfaced about these aliens, and those that do sometimes place them in the service of other alien types, usually the Grays. These aliens tend to be of artificial construction, usually some kind of shiny metal, with various appendages for specified tasks, which usually seems to include collecting samples of everything from soil, plants, and in a few cases humans.
Some witnesses have described the robots as hovering disks up to seven feet in diameter or cylindrical creations in the more conventional perception of a robot, complete with blinking lights and dome-like heads, and yet others give them a more human description. Many reports place them as scouts for the Grays, and at least one report had a number of them controlled by a Nordic. Usually, they are encountered singly, roaming forests and even reported sifting through garbage in remote trash dumps. Based on the majority of reports of encounters with these mechanical aliens, their purpose seems to be more for scrounging and scouting than for direct contact with humans. Most cases involving robots usually have the robots leaving the area when coming into contact with humans. Whether the mode of travel is hovering, walking or rolling on wheels, the robots seem to exit the area with remarkable speed.

The Dwarf/Goblin is a class of aliens that seem to resemble the class of mythological creatures that they are named after. Like the mythological beasts, they tend more towards practical jokes, pranks and other annoying tricks than in the actions of the other alien classifications.
The Chupacabra beast is considered by many ufologists to be an extension of this alien classification. Whatever its origins farmers, police and even government authorities have taken the creature's killing of goats and other animals very seriously, to the point of sending out armed patrols to hunt the creature down.
It is arguable that this class is actually an extraterrestrial at all. Indeed most cases involving these creatures do not follow the same patterns of most human contact with aliens. They seem to have no purpose other than to accost humans and have fun at their expense. To date, they have not been associated with experiments, abductions in the extraterrestrial sense (though in the sense of the traditional fairy tale this has occurred) or alien spacecraft of any kind. They are, however, included because they are still a subject of paranormal encounters and their relationship with other extraterrestrials is still a remote possibility.


Many UFO abductees have reported aliens that seem half Gray alien and half human, perhaps the end result of the apparent breeding programs that dominate accounts of Gray experimentations. They have large heads, but with hair, and while their noses, ears and mouths are more pronounced, the eyes are large like the Grays. The overall build is not as fragile as that of the Grays, but not quite as rugged appearing as a human. By nearly all accounts, they do not talk, and most do seem possessed of some psychic powers. Skin color tends to be much fairer than the Gray alien, but not quite of human pigmentation either. Skin texture seems to be human in nature without the webbing or mesh traits of the Grays.
It is important to note that these Hybrid types are almost always found in the company of the Grays aboard spacecraft, often used to calm frightened abductees and in many cases to have sexual relations with them. No cases to our knowledge have ever placed the Hybrids outside of the ships they come in, the reason communicated for this that they are too fragile or would be at risk on our planet. In no cases do the Hybrid aliens seem to be in control of things, and aside from calming and mating, seem to have no actual purpose in the running of the ships or in the experiments.

Light Beings

Some UFO cases involve beings of pure light, usually in the form of balls that hover several feet off the ground, are hard to look directly at, and communicate by telepathy. Given the fact that many of these encounters take place in remote swamps and fields at night, a direct comparison has often been drawn between these beings and the mythical will 0' wisps of Northern Europe. Like the dwarfs or goblin aliens, these balls of pure light seem more bent on frightening witnesses than any form of scientific investigation like the Grays, the Reptiles or to a less extent the Nordics.

finally blue skinned alien have been sighted. They are 3 to 4 feet tall and quite thin. Their skin tone is quite darkish blue and somewhat see-through. You can almost distinguish veins running through their heads. They haven't been seen wearing any clothes. They are child-like in behavior and tend to play humorous games.

other alien has been sighted like, that have been sighted like some hairy biped apes has been sighted around UFO and one was shot at and it went through the ape!. others incluidng small aliens, some wiht no eyes and a nose like carrots and other.

this ends our field guide as you can see many alien species in fact one scientist claims that 150 speices of aliens!. earth is appartenly a popular place or it shows how fertile the human mind can be at creating species

weird news

examples of human stupidity

Adam Tyson, 18, Jason Krueger, 20, and two pals were hospitalized in Clermont, Fla., in July with severe bee stings after imprudently deciding to vandalize a beehive colony in an orange grove; their truck got stuck in the sand just after they had set 50,000 bees swarming. And in July in Sparta, Wis., Darkalena Large, 43, insisted that she and her car were fine, but police arrested her anyway on suspicion of drunk driving after finding her in the car, which was stuck on a curb with one tire missing and the wheel's rim badly mangled (and recently on fire, according to a witness). Also, a nearby resident brought over part of the rim, which had been broken off and propelled into the air and through his second-floor window. [WFTV (Orlando), 7-14-05] [LaCrosse Tribune, 7-6-05]

love and peace,

Alex Stallwitz

arist drawing of an "grey" one of the most common alien sighted!  Posted by Picasa

Saturday, August 20, 2005

and now some news...

dear readers

here is an interisng story off of the drudge report, www.drudgereport.com

Goddess called in to scare off tsunami ghosts
Aug 19 11:38 AM US/Eastern

ANGKOK (Reuters) - With Asian tourists still shunning its southern beaches, Thailand is calling in a revered Chinese sea goddess to ward off the restive spirits of the thousands who died in last December's tsunami.

A statue of Godmother Ruby, known as Mazu in Chinese, will be brought to the Thai island of Phuket from the Chinese coastal province of Fujian next month for ghost-clearing rites, said Suwalai Pinpradab of the Tourism Authority of Thailand.

"After the tsunami, Taiwanese, Hong Kong, Chinese and other East Asians dare not come because they don't want to visit places where mass deaths took place," Suwalai told Reuters on Friday. "It is inauspicious."

Mazu, a Taoist goddess of the sea, has a huge following among fishermen and shipworkers in coastal provinces of southern China and Taiwan.

Thailand's official death toll from the December 26 disaster stands at 5,395, of which 2,436 are believed to be foreigners. Of these, fewer than 50 were East Asians.

intersing, huh

i like to thank all my readers and their comments and rember you can email me at ars731@yahoo.com with perosnal story, comments, hate mail, etc or leave a comment at my blog using the commnents feature and next time, remeber "knowledge is king , knowledge is king, mon"

love and peace,

Alex Stallwitz

Friday, August 19, 2005

alleged ghost photo taken at a haunted toy r us store the amn man was not there when the photo was taken  Posted by Picasa

strange photo of what appears to a ghostly woman with no legs, real or photographer's error you decide! Posted by Picasa

artist drawing of some alien sighted in Italy Posted by Picasa

Thursday, August 18, 2005

an american vampire ( the brown vampire)

Dear readers

there are strange chapters in american history that are not told in textbooks or are local stories. these tales are strange, creepy and somestimes funyy but always a trip to the DFTE county here is one such tale the vampire of Exeter

During the 1800s, consumption, or pulmonary tuberculosis, was credited with one out of four deaths. Consumption could kill you slowly over many years, or the disease could come quickly and end your life in a matter of weeks. The effects were devastating on families and communities. Dr. Bell explained that some of the symptoms of consumption are the gradual loss of strength and skin tone. The victim becomes pale, stops eating, and literally wastes away. At night, the condition worsens because the patient is lying on their back, and fluid and blood may collect in the lungs. During later stages, one might wake up to find blood on one's face, neck, and nightclothes, breathing is laborious, and the body is starved for oxygen.

Dr. Bell feels there is a direct connection between vampire cases and consumption. He said, "The way you look personally is the way vampires have always been portrayed in folklore -- like walking corpses, which is what you are, at least in the later stages of consumption. Skin and bones, fingernails are long and curved, you look like the vampire from Nosferatu."

Consumption took its first victim within the Brown family in December of 1883 when Mercy's mother, Mary Brown, died of the disease. Seven months later, the Browns' eldest daughter, Mary Olive, also died of consumption. The Browns' only son, Edwin, came down with consumption a few years after Mary Olive's death and was sent to live in the arid climate of Colorado to try and stop the disease. Late in 1891, Edwin returned home to Exeter because the disease was progressing -- he essentially came home to die. Mercy's battle with consumption was considerably shorter than her brother's. Mercy had the "galloping" variety of consumption -- her battle with the disease lasted only a few months. Mercy was laid to rest in Chestnut Hill Cemetery behind the Baptist church on Victory Highway.

After Mercy's funeral, her brother Edwin's condition worsened rapidly, and their father, George Brown, grew more frantic. Mr. Brown had lost his wife and two of his daughters, and now he was about to lose his only son. Science and medicine had no answers for George Brown, but folklore did. For centuries prior to Mercy Brown there have been vampires. The practice of slaying these "walking dead" began in Europe -- some of the ways people dealt with vampires was to exhume the body of the suspect, drive a stake through the heart, rearrange the skeletal remains, remove vital organs, or cremate the entire corpse. All of these rituals involve desecrating the mortal remains. The practice happened with enough regularity that the general population felt it could cure, or at the very least help, whatever evil was overwhelming them.

So much death had plagued the Brown family that poor George Brown probably felt he was cursed in some way. It wouldn't take too many chats with those empathizing with George's plight to come up with a radical idea to stop the death. Maybe the Brown family was under vampire attacks from beyond the grave. Was Mercy Brown the vampire, or was it Mercy's mother or sister? George Brown was willing to dig up the body of his recently deceased daughter, remove her heart, burn it, and feed the ashes to his son because he felt he had no other choice. but sadly it had no effect and edward died. but the detahs stop and Mercy supposly attacks stop and the family return to peace. The story of Exeter becamne so infamous someone stole her grave and supposly her ghost is sighted in the graveyard wandering unable to rest but thankfully not drinking the blood of hapless victems.

atricle from http://www.ghostvillage.com/legends/2003/legends20_06142003.shtml


what had happen? had Mercy Brown became a undead ghoul feasting on her family or had George Brown turn to folklore after medical science had failed him and he burned the corpose in a feeble, half-insane attempt to save his son. had the town felled victem to a vampire panic like the salem witch trials who knows? but the story of Mercy Brown american vampire is another tale not found in a textbook but one told in DFTE

weird news

And in February, at Ohio's Mansfield Correctional Institution, two death-row inmates nearly succeeded in an elaborate escape attempt that the security supervisor, Maj. John Morrison, had been warned about a month earlier but apparently had ignored (as one of the inmates had been promoted to a trusted position two days before the escape). [Columbus Dispatch, 3-1-05]

More Ironies: (1) A large portion of the materials on plagiarism on the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh's Writing Center Web site was revealed in February to have been taken verbatim from Purdue University's Web page on plagiarism. (2) And a February report from the White House's Office of Management and Budget (OMB), grading federal departments and agencies on five administrative performance criteria, concluded that the second-worst-performing agency was OMB. [University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Advance-Titan, 2-16-05] [Washington Post, 2-8-05]

In March, accused U.S. fugitive securities-swindler Frederick Gilliland, living on the lam in Canada, was tricked into coming back across the border, just for a free meal. A vengeful private investigator offered to buy Gilliland lunch at Brewster's in Point Roberts, Wash., and then alerted authorities, who intercepted the super-hungry Gilliland as he approached the restaurant. [Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 3-15-05]

news from www.newsoftheweird.com

love and peace,

Alex Stallwitz

Monday, August 15, 2005

psychic spies (the CIA and Remote-viewing)

dear readers

I rented a movie called Suspect Zero in which a former FBI profiler trained in Remote Viewing is hunting serial killers. he says to the main charcter it messed them up and "they never told us how to turn it off" it was a good movie but few know the CIA actually trained operatiers in remote viewing to spy on american's enemies. today we present Pyschic spies

what is Remote Viewing?

Wikepdia saids that

Remote Viewing allegedly allows a viewer to use his or her clairvoyant abilities to "view", i.e. gather information on a target consisting of an object, place, person, etc., which is hidden from physical view of the viewer and typically separated from the viewer in space by some distance, and sometimes separated in time (future or past) as well. Supporters claim that the existing experimental evidence supports the validity of these techniques, and claim that Remote Viewing is a method of clairvoyance which is better suited to experimental testing.

Proponents argue that Remote Viewing is distinguished from other forms of clairvoyance in that it follows a specific experimental protocol (or some variant of it). The critical aspect common to these protocols, proponents contend, is that the viewer is blind to the target in the sense of being given no (or negligible) information regarding the target being viewed.

The credit for the concept of remote viewing, has been publicly given by Joseph McMoneagle and Ingo Swann to René Warcollier, a French chemical engineer. A series of experiments in telepathic communication were conducted in the early 20th century, where participants sought to transmit drawings using the power of the mind, to subjects who would record their impressions on paper. In the book Mind to Mind prefaced by Swann in recent printings, Warcollier describes his pioneering work in detail.

project stargate

the cia started with a project anmed SCANATE that the CIA funded several program and renamed several times. the first was stargate, sunstorm, the army funded its own program called GONDOLA WISH. the cia funded project stargate

A number of hints of the project's existence did become public in the 1980s however, when a man named Joseph McMoneagle claimed in public to have been employed as a "psychic spy" for some sixteen years before leaving the U.S. Army. During this time he claims to have been used to discover the location of the US embassy employees being held in Iran, while a number of other such viewers were used to locate Moammar Gadhafi and various lost military items.

Over a period of more than two decades some $20 million were spent on STAR GATE and related activities, with $11 million budgeted from the mid-1980's to the early 1990s. Over forty personnel served in the program at various times, including about 23 remote viewers. At its peak during the mid-1980s the program included as many as seven full-time viewers and as many analytical and support personnel. Three psychics were reportedly worked at FT Meade for the CIA from 1990 through July 1995. The psychics were made available to other government agencies which requested their services.

Participants who apparently demonstrated psychic abilities used at least three different techniques various times:

* Coordinate Remote Viewing (CRV) - the original SRI-developed technique in which viewers were asked what they "saw" at specified geographic coordinates
* Extended Remote Viewing (ERV) - a hybrid relaxation/meditative-based method
* Written Remote Viewing (WRV) - a hybrid of both channeling and automatic writing was introduced in 1988, though it proved controversial and was regarded by some as much less reliable.

By 1995 the program had conducted several hundred intelligence collection projects involving thousands of remote viewing sessions. Notable successes were said to be "eight martini" results, so-called because the remote viewing data were so mind-boggling that everyone has to go out and drink eight martinis to recover. Reported intelligence gathering successes included:

* Joe McMoneagle, a retired Special Project Intelligence Officer for SSPD, SSD, and 902d MI Group, claims to have left Stargate in 1984 with a Legion of Merit Award for providing information on 150 targets that were unavailable from other sources.
* In 1974 one remote viewer appeared to have correctly described an airfield with a large gantry and crane at one end of the field. The airfield at the given map coordinates was the Soviet nuclear testing area at Semipalatinsk -- a possible underground nuclear testing site [PNUTS]. In general, however, most of the receiver's data were incorrect or could not be evaluated.
* A "remote viewer" was tasked to locate a Soviet Tu-95 bomber which had crashed somewhere in Africa, which he allegedly did within several miles of the actual wreckage.
* In September 1979 the National Security Council staff asked about a Soviet submarine under construction. The remote viewer reported that a very large, new submarine with 18-20 missile launch tubes and a "large flat area" at the aft end would be launched in 100 days. Two subs, one with 24 launch tubes and the other with 20 launch tubes and a large flat aft deck, were reportedly sighted in 120 days.
* One assignment included locating kidnapped BG James L. Dozier, who had been kidnapped by the Red Brigades in Italy in 1981. He was freed by Italian police after 42 days, apparently without help from the psychics. [according to news reports, Italian police were assisted by "US State and Defense Department specialists" using electronic surveillance equipment, an apparent reference to the Special Collection Service]
* Another assignment included trying to hunt down Gadhafi before the 1986 bombing of Libya, but Gadhafi was not injured in the bombing.
* In February 1988 DIA asked where Marine Corps COL William Higgins was being held in Lebanon. A remote viwer stated that Higgins was in a specific building in a specific South Lebanon village, and a released hostage later said to have claimed that Higgins had probably been in that building at that time.
* In January 1989 DOD was said to have asked about Libyan chemical weapons work. A remote viewer reported that ship named either Patua or Potua would sail from Tripoli to transport chemicals to an eastern Libyan port. Reportedly, a ship named Batato loaded an undetermined cargo in Tripoli and brought to an eastern Libyan port.
* Reportedly a remote-viewer "saw" that a KGB colonel caught spying in South Africa had been smuggling information using a pocket calculator containing a communications device. It is said that questioniong along these lines by South African intelligence led the spy to cooperate.
* During the Gulf War remote-viewers were reported to have suggested the whereabouts of Iraq's Saddam Hussein, though there was never an independent verification of this finding.
* The unit was tasked to find plutonium in North Korea in 1994, apparently without notable success.
* Remote viewers were also said to have helped find SCUD missiles and secret biological and chemical warfare projects, and to have located and identified the purposes of tunnels and extensive underground facilities.

The US program was sustained through the support of Sen. Claiborne Pell, D-R.I., and Rep. Charles Rose, D-N.C., who were convinced of the program's effectiveness. However, by the early 1990s the program was plagued by uneven management, poor unit morale, divisiveness within the organization, poor performance, and few accurate results. The FY 1995 Defense Appropriations bill directed that the program be transferred to CIA, with CIA instructed to conduct a retrospective review of the program. In 1995 the American Institutes for Research (AIR) was contracted by CIA to evaluate the program. Their 29 September 1995 final report was released to the public 28 November 1995. A positive assessment by statistician Jessica Utts, that a statistically significant effect had been demonstrated in the laboratory [the government psychics were said to be accurate about 15 percent of the time], was offset by a negative one by psychologist Ray Hyman [a prominent CSICOP psychic debunker]. The final recommendation by AIR was to terminate the STAR GATE effort. CIA concluded that there was no case in which ESP had provided data used to guide intelligence operations. the CIA declassiifed the files in 1995 to much media dersion.However,rumors persisted it couniunes to this day but several "Psychic Spies" incluidng one by the name of MAjor Ed Dames who is now teaching others to remote view in fact he claimns anyone can learn remote viewing. and if anyone does email me about it. are still use it and calime dot have catch the BTK killer and several other cases.


what is going on did the CIA tapped the mind and use it on america's enemies? or is a epic waste of taxpaper funds on par with the 200 dollar toilet seat and 100 dollar hammer. if nothing else its a strange chapter of american history one you own't find in any history text. one you'll find on DFTE.

sources http://www.fas.org/irp/program/collect/stargate.htm and www.wikepdia.com

weird news

distrubing news

Scientists at the Safar Center for Resuscitation Research in Pittsburgh announced in June that they had drained dogs' blood from their bodies, filled them with a replacement fluid, and then revived them by successfully reinfusing blood three hours later, thus creating for a time "zombie" dogs. During the three hours, the dogs were clinically dead, with no heartbeat or brain activity, but after reinfusion and electric shocks, they came back to life, normal with no brain damage. (Not all dogs made it back, though.) A spokesman said the technique could be tried on humans within a year. [New York Post, 6-28-05]


A Philadelphia firefighter was hospitalized in critical condition, and his wife and their three children injured, in Atlantic City in June after an accident at the Steel Pier amusement park. The five were in a ride car on the Big Splash, where after a descent, the car was to slide into the water at a high speed and soak everyone, but apparently the park workers on duty had either forgotten to put water in the basin or had not noticed that it had all drained out. [Philadelphia Inquirer, 6-22-05]


The Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area in Alameda County, Calif., with more than 5,000 windmills producing pollution-free electricity for 120,000 homes a year, was challenged by environmentalists in July because an estimated 1,700 to 4,700 birds a year get chopped up by the turbines, including birds of dwindling species. (2) In June, two employees of North Carolina People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals were arrested for illegally dumping 80 carcasses of euthanized dogs and cats into trash containers at a Piggly Wiggly grocery store in Ahoskie. (PETA condemned the dumping but defended its use of euthanasia. However, a North Carolina county health director said she had understood that PETA would work harder to find animals homes before resorting to euthanasia.) [MSNBC-AP, 7-6-05] [Virginian-Pilot, 6-18-05]

news from www.newsoftheweird.com

love and peace,

Alex Stallwitz

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Highways To Hell (haunted roads and ghost cars)

dear readers

the car and the highway is acherished american tradiiton. the thrill of just packing up and moving out to greener pastures . but as in everything the very road are haunted and your journey itself can be a trip to the paranormal. today, we present haunted roads.

The Ghost Truck

In northwest England, a motorcycle accident occuried and the driver died but the passanger surived and claimed a truck had backed into the path but the police had found no opening for a truck to come out of. the police discovered that accidents had occured over a 14 month peorid and all the witness claimed to seen a vehicles in their path. the jury went so far as to camped on the road but didn't see anything. the locals claimed that the road was haunted. the police claimed it was a opcital illusion and blamed a large wall and hedge and removed the accident stopped but still occured. was the road haunted by a truck or was the hedge and wall to blame? no one knows but the locals won't walk down that strench alone...

Creek Road

in the town of Ohai, California. locals claimed that Creek road is haunted by 4 ghosts! the best known is the Charman. the story is he called that he is burned to a crisp. his face is a blacked skull wiht flesh dangling on it and he has flesh peeling from his bones. he is a angry ghost and attacks anyone walking on the road. and a teen went walking down the road on a bet and come back claimed he was attack by the charman. some claimed he was a fireman burned during a forrest fire.
others claimed he died in a fury car wreck. or was set on fire by his killer and burned to death dooming his soul to wander the road attacking innocent passeby. the second is a young horsewoman who rides at breakneck speed down the road until she gets to a place called The Curve and fly off and dieds then repeat her ride until dawn then she rests for a year. the third is a bloody bride in a wedding dress who hitchikes in a blood soaked dress no one knows her story but she appears on the day she died. finally a ghostly motorcycle driver drives up and down the road, skillfully and does an amazing job considered he has no head!

Phantom hitchhikers

the phantom hitchikers is a classic story of folklore like urban legends.
almost every part of us had a story the most famous is Resurrection Mary of Chicago . the story is a motorist is driving along and picks a young woman who asked for a ride to a address.The driver reachs the address is either a cementry like Resurrection Mary is Resurrection Cementry and or a house. in some case he gives the woman his jacket. but he turns to see her and she is gone! in fact the seatbelt is stil fastend. if it is a house he knocks on the door and discovered that his passenger is their daughter that died in a car wreck and he is not the first ride she has tried to hitch home and she is forver trying to go home. most creepily he founds his jacket on her grave when he visited the next day!. many varations are like one case Resurreciton Mary goes to a dance club and the driver dances with her! what are these stories urban legend?, or true stories.

as we have seen the roads and highways can be a weird place so when your driving keep your eyes open because you never know what you're find...

love and peace,

Alex Stallwitz

supposed ghost photo of a child  Posted by Picasa

alleged photo of the florida shunk ape  Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

alleged photo of two dragons in the sky over TIbet taken out of a plane Posted by Picasa

Monday, August 08, 2005

closeup of ghost photo  Posted by Picasa

ghost photo of what appears to be a dismebodied head that was taken at a supposed haunted tuberculosis sanitorium. photo from ww.coasttocoastam.com Posted by Picasa

Saturday, August 06, 2005

closeup of a medival coin that supposely shows a ufo this is supposly evidence that ufos visited in ancient times  Posted by Picasa

alleged ufo from wisconsin, real or fake you decide!  Posted by Picasa

alleged ufo photo from denver Posted by Picasa

american monsters

dear readers

in my wanderings through the internet i have stumbled across this great website on mysterious creatures that monitors sightings of monsters go to www.americanmonsters.com its DFTE approved

love and peace,

Alex Stallwitz

an comprasion of how bigfoot and the shunk ape are a different species  Posted by Picasa

arists drawing of a shunk ape from florida, update to come!  Posted by Picasa

Thursday, August 04, 2005

celebrity weirdness hall of Fame Jimmy Carter

dear readers

Jimmy carter wa sone of our strangest presidet. today celebrity weirdness salute to
Jimmy Carter

Jimmy Carter and the killer rabbit

President Jimmy Carter was attacked by a rabbit during a fishing trip in Plains, Georgia. The rabbit, which may have been fleeing a predator, swam toward his boat, "hissing menacingly, its teeth flashing and nostrils flared." President Carter was forced to swat at the vicious beast with a canoe paddle, which apparently scared it off.

Upon his return to the White House, Carter told his staff about the furry amphibian's assault. Most of them refused to believe him, insisting that rabbits can't swim (although since most mammals can swim, there's no reason to believe that rabbits cannot), and that even if they could, they certainly wouldn't attack humans, and certainly not presidents. Fortunately, a White House photographer had been on the scene, and had recorded the bizarre attack. The photograph showed Carter with his paddle raised, warding off a small creature which might, or might not, have been a rabbit. One staffer was quoted as saying, "You couldn't tell what it was." Undaunted by their skepticism, Carter had the image enlarged, and there it was--a killer bunny rabbit, apparently bent on assassinating the president.

The story might have ended there, except that White House Press Secretary Jody Powell mentioned the incident to Associated Press reporter Brooks Jackson in August. JawsThe Washington Post ran it as front page news. The original photograph was not available (until the Reagan administration leaked it in 1981), but the paper filled the gap with a cartoon modeled on the poster for the movie Jaws, starring the rabbit and entitled Paws. Powell made a belated attempt to impress the public with the seriousness of the attack, calling the creature a "swamp rabbit," but since Carter had to appease his rabbit-loving constituents by insisting that he had not actually smacked his buck-toothed opponent with his paddle, but only splashed water at it to drive it away, it seemed unlikely that he had been in danger. The entire episode became a I'm a Bunny for Cartersymbol of Carter's floundering presidency. According to Powell, "[I]t shows the extent to which an insignificant incident can snowball and end up in newspapers and news shows across the country.” Carter biographer Douglas Brinkley says, “It just played up the Carter flake factor.... I mean, he had to deal with Russia and the Ayatollah and here he was supposedly fighting off a rabbit.”

The story might have ended there, except Powell took care of that problem the following August when he told the rabbit story to Associated Press reporter Brooks Jackson over a cup of tea. Powell ought to have known that you cannot tell anything to reporters in August because there is nothing else to write about and they will make any fool thing into a front page scandal. Which is exactly what happened. The Washington Post put the bunny story on page one complete with a cartoon takeoff of the famous "Jaws" movie poster entitled "Paws." The media ran with the story for a week, the worst aspect from Carter's perspective undoubtedly being the columnists, who basically all said, yeah, it's just a rabbit, but it shows you the kind of president we've got here. The administration refused to release the photos, although I seem to recall that Reagan's people later found and leaked them. Carter's subsequent drubbing at the polls was a foregone conclusion, hostage crisis or not.

JImmy Carter and the UFO

Jimmy Carter claims to have a seen an UFO,The incident occurred in Leary, Georgia, about forty miles from Plains, on the evening of January 6, 1969. Mr. Carter was the local district governor of the Lion's Club, and had come to Leary to boost the local chapter. While standing outdoors at approximately 7:15 pm, waiting for the Lion's Club meeting to begin, Mr. Carter reported seeing a single "self-luminous" object, "as bright as the moon," which reportedly approached and then receded several times. Mr. Carter reports that his "UFO" was in the western sky, at about 30 degrees elevation. skeptics dismissed it as Venus but some ufoists claimed to have he had seen a real UFO. Carter when he was president released some UFO files when he was president

Jimmy Carter consults his daughter Amy on nuclear weapons

Jimmy Carter supposly conuslted his Daughter Amy on Nuclear Weapons consulation the night before a debate. it became a joke as Amy for Defense Secreatary buttons were going around at rallies and Former Dallas coachback Roger Staubach kept peppering his analysis of NFL with I was Talking with May about it.

Jimmy Carter as you can see was a strange man he earned a place in celebrity weirdness hall of fame

love and peace,

Alex Stallwitz

alleged photo of the loch ness monster.  Posted by Picasa

Alleged ghost in the hit movie Three men and a baby, the ghost is alleged a oyung child who killed himself in the apartment they filmed it in. skeptics claimed its a cardboard standup of Ted Danson from a cut scence from the movie. but others claimed its a ghost  Posted by Picasa

Possibly one of the most freaky pictures ghost pictures every taken

possibly of the ghost pictures every.  Posted by Picasa

For my friend Sarah, a ghost photo from Gettysburg of aposisble solider on the rocks above the children Posted by Picasa

alleged ghost form the Borley Rectory, "The most haunted house in england" Posted by Picasa

and now some weird news..

dear readers,

he is some weird news for your viewing pleasure

Mark Nuckols, a business student at Dartmouth, has begun selling a tofu-like food, Hufu, that is flavored to resemble what he believes is the taste of human flesh. His target audience is those who already enjoy cooking with tofu, as well as any actual cannibals who might settle for artificiality in order to avoid legal problems and logistical hassles. Nuckols said he has never tasted human flesh but based his recipe on cannibals' reported descriptions of the flavor.

weird huh,

love and peace,

Alex Stallwitz

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

famous ghost photo of a headless ghost dog at a tea party in england  Posted by Picasa

photo taken at a beach at england the beach was deserted when the photo was taken  Posted by Picasa

alleged ghost of a woman photographed in the outback Posted by Picasa

an alleged photo of an thunderbird possibly the famous Tombstone, Arizonia photo  Posted by Picasa

alleged photo of an alien cat in england for more info go to the panthers in england? update on feb 16 2005 update Posted by Picasa

Monday, August 01, 2005

its raining cats and dogs ! (and fish, stones, frogs, food... strange rains

dear readers

the great charles fort was find of collecitng many stories one of which was strange rains, he loved these tales and kept them and palced in his books. he collected 294 reports of them and as we will see readers it has literally rained everything but cats and dogs!


In 1873, Scientific American reported that Kansas City, Missouri was blanketed with frogs that dropped from the sky during a storm.

Minneapolis, Minnesota was pelted with frogs and toads in July, 1901. A news item stated: "When the storm was at its highest... there appeared as if descending directly from the sky a huge green mass. Then followed a peculiar patter, unlike that of rain or hail. When the storm abated the people found, three inches deep and covering an area of more than four blocks, a collection of a most striking variety of frogs... so thick in some places [that] travel was impossible."


* A powerful whirlwind might explain a rain of small fish, but it cannot account for the ones that fell on a village in India. As many as 10 people reported picking up fish that weighed as much as eight pounds that had come crashing down on them.
* In February, 1861, folks in many areas of Singapore reported a rain of fish following an earthquake. How could the two possibly correlate?
* Golfers dread gathering clouds and a rain that might ruin their game. But imagine the consternation of several duffers in Bournemouth, England, in 1948 who received a shower of herring.
* Priests often pray for blessings from above... but fish? In 1966, Father Leonard Bourne was dashing through a downpour across a courtyard in North Sydney, Australia, when a large fish fell from the sky and landed on his shoulder. The priest nearly caught it as it slid down his chest, but it squirmed away, fell to the flooded ground and swam away.
* These things don't always happen in a heavy rain. In 1989, in Ipswich, Australia, Harold and Degen's front lawn was covered with about 800 "sardines" that rained from above during a light shower.
* This report is most unusual: In an otherwise clear sky in Chilatchee, Alabama in 1956, a woman and her husband watched as a small dark cloud formed in the sky. When it was overhead, the cloud released its contents: rain, catfish, bass and bream - all of the fish alive. The dark cloud had turned to white, then dispersed.


on september 23, 1973 in Brignoles, France tens of thousands toads fell during a freak storm and for two days! it rained on the village of Chalon-sur-Sanone bothw ere young toads.


in Silvertown Township. South Carolina a Dr. j.L SMith noticed something fell and discovered that eight alligators had fallen in a space of 200 yds. there were quite lively and about 12 inches in length

flesh and blood

# 1890, Popular Science News reported that blood rained down on Messignadi, Calabria in Italy - bird's blood. It was speculated that the birds were somehow torn part by violent winds, although there were no such winds at the time. And no other parts of the bird came down - just blood.
# J. Hudson's farm in Los Nietos Township, California endured a rain of flesh and blood for three minutes in 1869. The grisly fall covered several acres.
# The American Journal of Science confirmed a shower of blood, fat and muscle tissue that fell on a tobacco farm near Lebanon, Tennessee in August, 1841. Field workers, who actually experienced this weird shower, said they heard a rattling noise and saw "drops of blood, as they supposed...fell from a red cloud which was flying over.

n 1881, a thunderstorm in Worcester, England, brought down tons of periwinkles and hermit crabs.

the town of Chico, California in late 1921, early 1922 it rained stones and rocks. a search for a prankster was fruitless

it has also rained Grain, lizards, mussuels, salamanders, turtles, hazelnuts and even in england it rained literally pennies from heaven,


waht is going on? are tornados sucking up aniamls if so how are they sucking only one species and out of season animals or is a form of teleporation? or is the work of sky animals strnage creatures that lived in the upper atomsphere. or is my favorite theory of Damion Knight that is the work of electromagnet fields that can diffent between living things charges as much in the dispatches from the edge we may never know so it is a another mystery..

love and peace,

Alex Stallwitz

