El Chupacabra, real life horror or urban legend
dear readers.
the saga of the Chupacabra begin in Puerto Rico around 1995 in the towns of Orocvious and Morvius. some argued that they begin with in 1975 with Moca Vampire where the town of Moca Puerto Rico had a rash of lights in the skies and a rash of dead duck, geese, cows, goats found drained without blood. The main saga of the Chupacabra, researchers claimed begin in Orovvious and Morvius im March of 1995. the towns were plagued by a force that was murdering animals. all the animals were found drained of their blood with puncture marks in their necks. sightings contiuned throughout Puerto Rico throughout the fall of 1995. in case the town of San German claimed that 11 goats were eaten by the goat sucker. the creature was nicknamed El Chupacbra which means The Goatsucker in Spanish. attempt to hunt the creature including a hunt by the mayor of Guanica with a army of volunteers hunted it every week for a year to catch it. sights contiuned and now the creature is blamed for over 2000 animals dead! these animal included livestock and pets. as the story spread throughout the spanish-speaking media. sightings were reported in brazil, Chile, EL Salvador, and Guatemala and sightings in the US cities of Miami, New York, San Francisco, San Antonio and even in Cambridge Massachusetts! all sightings follow a pattern. people will heard a noise and discovered their animals dead drained of blood or see it the creature itself. atempts to caught the creature have proven a faliure
the Creature has various descriptions incluidng a resmeble to the Greys which had leaded to theories of chupacabra being a alien, with their large red eyes and head shape. It has two small hands with a three fingered claw on each hand. it has two very powerful hind legs and quills on its back. still witnesses have claimed it can fly with its quills. it is covered in dense coarse hair. most intersing it has the ablity like a chameleon to blend in with its background . it resmbles the following description in sightings but other descriptions exist
What is the Chuacabra? due to its uncanny resmble to The Greys. its is argued that its of alien descent. many sightings are connected to ufo and strange lights in the sky sightings. some alleged that the creature is a pet or alien expertment lefted here accidentlly or on purpose for to study. maybe its a study ot see how it copes in alien envirnoment. some alleged that its a mutantions or genetic expertment by the US government created in a secret faculity and it was accidenetly released during Hurricane Andrew. this makes some sense as the dates are right. finally there is no Chupacabra. It just a legend and wild dogs and other exotics accidentaly released into Puerto Rico ecosystem.. many questions are unanswered.
The Chupacabra is a fascinting example of how a myth is born and how legend is created. instead of travelers and minstrel spreading legend. the media and the internet is the source. intersing the Chupacabra has became a source of pride and a symbol of the hispantic community. the creatue is on t-shirts and toys and more. they are even songs like goat busters and even a movie about the creature. if its is a hoax perphas its for the best that its remains a mystery. for a good mystery is ruined when the solution is revealed...
goodbye gals and girls
love and peace
Alex Stallwitz
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