dispatches from the edge

Proudlly showcasing the weird, bizarre, and the downright creepy since 2005

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

alleged ghost photographed at rumored haunted railroad track  Posted by Hello

closeup of ship photo, from www.coasttocoastam.com Posted by Hello

strange photo of ufo with two other smaller ships and yes it wasn't there when the photo was taken Posted by Hello

here is a bette rphoto with the ghost in the corner, photo from www.warphead.com  Posted by Hello

Sunday, March 27, 2005

alleged photo of alien of reptilian descent Posted by Hello

another hoax

dear readers

its sadden me to announce the the photo of the alien head is a hoax , this is letdown as I was sure it was a alien head oh well the search for the truth contines onward

love and peace, Alex

my easter gift to you

dear readers

as my easter gift to you more cool photos including one I'm been looking for awhile
all photos are from www.iwasabducted.com go there my loyal army of darkn... errr my faithful readers. until next time have a happy easter and remeber

Knowledge is king, mon

love and peace,

Alex Stallwitz

Alleged Alien captured in china  Posted by Hello

Alleged Alien captuered by US forces during world war II Posted by Hello

photo of strange white figure at Rhyl beach test faculity. possibly the same alien from the Templeton photo go to feb 2004 archives  Posted by Hello

photo of strange alien head possibly the infamous El Chupacabra Posted by Hello

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

famous ghost photo of man's dead mother in the backseat Posted by Hello

Daylight disk photographed by hungruian fighter pilot Posted by Hello

Photo taken at Boothill on halloween. in case you are wondering the man in the hat in back coming out of the gorund wasn't there when it was taken  Posted by Hello

alleged ghost caught on secruity camera Posted by Hello

Monday, March 21, 2005

El Chupacabra, real life horror or urban legend

dear readers.

the saga of the Chupacabra begin in Puerto Rico around 1995 in the towns of Orocvious and Morvius. some argued that they begin with in 1975 with Moca Vampire where the town of Moca Puerto Rico had a rash of lights in the skies and a rash of dead duck, geese, cows, goats found drained without blood. The main saga of the Chupacabra, researchers claimed begin in Orovvious and Morvius im March of 1995. the towns were plagued by a force that was murdering animals. all the animals were found drained of their blood with puncture marks in their necks. sightings contiuned throughout Puerto Rico throughout the fall of 1995. in case the town of San German claimed that 11 goats were eaten by the goat sucker. the creature was nicknamed El Chupacbra which means The Goatsucker in Spanish. attempt to hunt the creature including a hunt by the mayor of Guanica with a army of volunteers hunted it every week for a year to catch it. sights contiuned and now the creature is blamed for over 2000 animals dead! these animal included livestock and pets. as the story spread throughout the spanish-speaking media. sightings were reported in brazil, Chile, EL Salvador, and Guatemala and sightings in the US cities of Miami, New York, San Francisco, San Antonio and even in Cambridge Massachusetts! all sightings follow a pattern. people will heard a noise and discovered their animals dead drained of blood or see it the creature itself. atempts to caught the creature have proven a faliure


the Creature has various descriptions incluidng a resmeble to the Greys which had leaded to theories of chupacabra being a alien, with their large red eyes and head shape. It has two small hands with a three fingered claw on each hand. it has two very powerful hind legs and quills on its back. still witnesses have claimed it can fly with its quills. it is covered in dense coarse hair. most intersing it has the ablity like a chameleon to blend in with its background . it resmbles the following description in sightings but other descriptions exist


What is the Chuacabra? due to its uncanny resmble to The Greys. its is argued that its of alien descent. many sightings are connected to ufo and strange lights in the sky sightings. some alleged that the creature is a pet or alien expertment lefted here accidentlly or on purpose for to study. maybe its a study ot see how it copes in alien envirnoment. some alleged that its a mutantions or genetic expertment by the US government created in a secret faculity and it was accidenetly released during Hurricane Andrew. this makes some sense as the dates are right. finally there is no Chupacabra. It just a legend and wild dogs and other exotics accidentaly released into Puerto Rico ecosystem.. many questions are unanswered.

The Chupacabra is a fascinting example of how a myth is born and how legend is created. instead of travelers and minstrel spreading legend. the media and the internet is the source. intersing the Chupacabra has became a source of pride and a symbol of the hispantic community. the creatue is on t-shirts and toys and more. they are even songs like goat busters and even a movie about the creature. if its is a hoax perphas its for the best that its remains a mystery. for a good mystery is ruined when the solution is revealed...

goodbye gals and girls

love and peace

Alex Stallwitz

Sunday, March 20, 2005

example of El Chupacabra becoming a cultural symbol for latin america . This drawing is from a t-shirt in Mexico photo from www.coasttocoastam.com Posted by Hello

hoax photo

dear readers

i am sad to report that the photo of the civil war guys and the dinosaur is a hoax. sad but true after some deep thought I decided to leave it up as a amsuing but not real photo. because we treat everything at Dispatches From The Edge with seriousness and study. I will not purposly hoaxed my readers. you are dear to me and wihtout your trust I am nothing.

Love and peace

Alex Stallwitz

artist drawing of Chupacabra (soon to be subject of next update)Posted by Hello

Thursday, March 17, 2005

cool online movie on ghosts

dear readers

go to www.jkcinema.com for a intersing series on urban legends and ghosts go to series on ghosts for some great pictures and information on EVP and ITC. (which will be a future update) I missed and watch out at the end trust me:.)

(wihtout a trace) more strange disapperances

dear readers

i have found more dissapperances, that i must tell you about. here for your approval, more vanshings

james burne worson

worson was a shoemaker who had a habit of boasting of his running skill so some friends decided on september 3 1872 to challenged worson to run the 40 miles from Leamington to Coventry. He accepted and his friend followed him in cart. he run for several mile easily talking with his friend on the cart. when he was half dozen yards away , he seems to stumble in the road, he fell forward and yelled in terror, he dissapper and despite efforts to find him he was never seen again

The missing battleon

during world war I duirng the Gallipoli, two New Zealand soliders clamied to have witnessed a battleon of english solider marching up a hill in Sulva Bay, Turkey the hill was covered in a low cloud the soilders marched into the cloud , they came out and the cloud supposly lifted off of the hill into the sky, and the soliders were never seen again. however many doubters have claimed that the "missing battleon" were killed in later battles and never disappered. thye have proof that out of 34,000 men 6,000 are acocunted for but believers wondered what happened to 28,000 other men?

Oliver Larch

on Christmas Eve, 1899 a boy named Oliver Larch of South Bend, Indiana went out around to get some water from a well when his parents and their company "help, something got me" they rushed out and discovered the pail of water. creepily, his footprints ended halfway near the well and no trace was found of him again

the dispperance of the riverboat Iron Mountain

in june of 1872, the riverboat Iron Mountain lefted Vicksberg, Virginia loaded with a cargo of cotton and molasses. she was carriyng 52 passengers. when she doesn't showed ,they discovered her barges floated by themselves, their cables had been cutted, not snapped but no trace of the ship or its 52 passengers were seen again

The Eskimo Village

in november 1930, Joe Labella a trapper snow-shoed into a Eskimo village on the shores of Lake Anjukini, he first noticed that it was creepily silent. Labella thought it was odd because the village had over 2,000 people living there. he went to each home and discovered that the village had disppeared. he noticed a flickering fire and discovered that a pot of blacked stew. and one footprint was discovered leaving the village. Labella went to a telegraph and called for the Candian Mounted Police they returned and mounted a search party. they discovered some strnage things, all the villagers had lefted their suppiles in their huts and their sled dog were founded in a snowbank buried at the perimeter of the village. they had straved to death and most distrubing of all all the graves were empty despite the soil being rock hard. even weirder later that night a eerie blue light apperanced on the horizon it pulsed and faded. no trace was or has been founded of the village. on a unrelated note, famed horror writer Dean Koontz used the story in his book Phantoms as what (Minor spolier alert if you want to read it skip this part I recommend it, it was a good book ) had caused the town of snowfield to vanished and had caused the mssing battleon and the Eskimo village to dissapear. it was the creature known as the Ancient Enemy. as for the village no one knows what had happen. we may never know. it is another case for the Dispatches From The Edge

until next time remeber, no mystery is closed to an open mind

love and peace

Alex Stallwitz

paul is dead, music legends

dear readers

I have the week off so that i'm writng like a madman, I feel I could write a 3 columns a day and not cover every mysteries . here are some mysteries and urban legends about rock and roll

the infamous love rollercoaster scream

the popular hit song Love Rollercoaster has became one of the ohio player greatest hits. It regain hit status thanks to the Red Hot Chili Peppers cover for the Beavis and Butthead Do America soundtrack. it has a darker meaning becuase in the begining a woman screams loudly most have dismmisede this as a woman screaming on a rollerocaster. some have put a darker menaing. the legend is that the model for the cover of the album Honey was a model who had run away from home when they filmed the cover which depicts a nude woman cover in honey on glass . what happened she was horribly burned by the heated honey and that the scream or that it stuck to the plastic like superglue and it ripped the skin off of her legs ruining her modeling career forever. she then does to the band in studio recording Love Rollercoaster and rants about she going sue them and take them to the cleaners. the manager then stabbed her and the band lefted it as a sick tribune. it is this the truth or is a urban legend. the ohio players claimed that it was one of the members by the number of Billy Beck and they never said anything to drive up sales. murder or a urban legend? you decide.

Backward Messages

the classic song Stairway To Heaven supposly said when played backward is quote "its my sweet Satan , the one who little path makes me sad whose power is fake. the next part is heavily debated some claimed that it says he gives you 666 there was a little toolshed who made us suffer my sweet Satan. this is what some claimed are backward messages . some christans claimed this is proof that the Rock is the devil. exampes inlcuded Cheap trick gonna raise hell played backward says Satan holds the keys to the lock. Deep purple Black Knight Oh devil whos leading from hell we believe. and even Britney Spears's pop Hit Me Baby One More Time it says when played backward "Have sex with me I'm not too young" backward messages are proof believers give of the Paul is Dead legend. the legend that Paul Mccartney was dead. the song Revolution no 9 when played backwards says carry on dead man. the white album has on it supposly messages like Paul is dead miss him miss him turn me on dead man turn me on dead man . the band Judas Priest was sued for supposly causing the sucide of two men Raymond Belknap and James Vance. The album Stained Class supposly contianed phrases Try Suicide, Let's be Dead, Do It, Do It that encouraged Belknoa and Vance to form a suicide pact, after a lenghty trial it was determined that it was a random arrival of words that formed the words and was placed there accidently. some musicans have placed mesasages delibrately like ELO on Fire on High says the music is reversable, time is not, turn back. on The Wall,Pink Floyd placed on the track Empty Spaces is a Messages says in the begining that says Congrualtions, you have disocvered the secret messages, please send your answer to Old Pink care of the old funny farm Chalfront. Prince's infamous song Darling Nikki ( a favorite of Tipper Gore ;.) says hello how are you I''m fine becuase the Lord is coming soon coming soon and my favorite the Christan rock band Perta placed in their song Judas Kiss says what are doing looking for the devil when you should be looking for God. Weird Al Yankovic on his album Bad Hair Day says in his song I remeber Larry says Wow you must have a lot free time on your hands. musicans have put gag messages like Frank Zappa and the B-52 to name a few to make fun of christans who believe that rock and roll is the "devil's music". the adam sandler film, Little Nicky, some stoners asked nicky if there are satanic messages in Black Sabbath, he says no and pulls out a Chicago album and the message "I command you in the name of Lucifer to spill the blood of the innocent" the stoners go "wow Chicago kicks ass" what are they,a random burst of words or is the devil corrupting minds through the music or did musicans put them there as a joke to screw with people who hate their music . we may never know so it is another mystery for Dispatches From The Edge

Love and peace

Alex Stallwitz

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

weird news update

dear readers

if you are a new or old readers or came from my friend sarah's website, welcome to Dispatches From The Edge. as you can see we cover the paranormal, weird news and behavior by people. a example of how we can't make this stuff up

A 40 yr old woman was jailed in Grand Junction, Colorado accused of jumping the fence nude to wrestle a dog. the woman (who's name I withheld) scaled a frence and stripped to westled with the male Labrador retriever blue-heeler mix. she clamied that she was "having sex with the dog" and does it all the time. the dog's owner said the woamn has been friendly with the odg but has been acitng strangley lately, he told the Grand Junction Sentienel, "what took place last night, I don't even want to guess" the dog was no hurt, the woman was arrested on a previous warrant.

nothing I could say, could top that story

love and peace,

Alex Stallwitz

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

alleged photo of dinosuar shot during civil war ( was determined to be a hoax) Posted by Hello

strange carcass caught by japanese fishman possibly a dinosaur Posted by Hello

alleged yeti footprint  Posted by Hello

allleged shunk ape photographed in Florida Posted by Hello

strange tracks photographed in the Himalayas alleged to the Yeti Posted by Hello

artist's drawning of the "mothman" Posted by Hello

map of sightings of the big cats of england got to feb archives for details  Posted by Hello

Monday, March 14, 2005

seeing double a short history of Doppelgangers

dear readers

the word doppelganger is from the german words doppel(double) ganger(goer) it means a ghostly double of a living person unlike a ghost which is usually a dead person a doppelgamgers can be a living person. in fact I think i have seen a doppelganger! I'll explain later

emillie sanger

one of the most famous was Emillie Sanger. she was a teacher at a french school she was a great teacher she did have one problem she had a double that caused problems. it apperanced when she in class writing on a chalkboard ,and her double copied her. a similar incident involvng silverwares. in one strange story her double appeared in a chair while she could be visibly seen in the garden! Sanger clamied she never saw her double but diid feel drained and pale when it appearnced

famous dopplegangers

many famous people have seen double

the french writer Guy De Maupasant claimed to be haunted by a double. in fact it once enter a room and sit in a chair and started to dicating what he was writing, Maupasant realted the story in the shotry story Lui

John Doone clamied to have seen a double ofhis wife holding a baby. sadly his wife had given birth to a stillborn baby

the poet Percey Shelly clamied to have seen a ghost of himself in italy. it pointed to the Mediterranean Sea, where creepily he drowned on a 30th birthday in sialing accident

Queen Elizabeth I saw her Doppelganger laided out on a bed. she died shortly after.

the most interisng famous doppelganger story is of the german poet Goethe . one day while riding on the road to drusenheim. he saw himself wearing a green suit trimmed in gold. intersing 30 years later he was on the same road and he relized that he was wearing the same suit he saw 30 year previously!

a solider's story

there was a story of a man whose name i can't remeber. i'm sorry , mister. i'll called him Ted. one day in 1944 , ted was in marching down on patorl with his compamny on a lane in France. when he saw a fellow solider walking down the street. he was surprised to see that it was it was him!. they stopped confused. freaked out they didn't go any farther. they discovered later that a german machinegun nest was ahead of them and had it not been for his double. his company would have been gunned down. it gets stranger. several years later he was camping and when he returned to his camping site, he saw his double dressed in his army uniform coming toward him . and before he could react a branch come crashng down where they would have been 10 minute later. not all doppelgangers are omen of death

my own story

Strangely I have a personal story to tell 3 years we had a friend of ours named Dan living with us, one summer day in july or august. i was home alone and i was walking to the kitchen through my living room. whne i saw dan's blond head walk past the window. i was confused, he was supposed to be at work. i went to the street to look for his truck and it wasn't there. I went to back door. I still don't know what happened?

why do doppelgangers appear. many believe to them bad omens or astral bodies as it would explain the cemille sanger's feeling drained or time shift in the goethe case. as is everything in dispatches form the edge we may never know

weird news
a phoenix man shopping in a pawn shop asked to try a circular saw and promply in fornt of the clerk cut his own head out wiht the saw

jackie lee sherider and his son had a shoot out wiht .22 calibur handguns proovked over how to cook skinless chicken for dinner

a 70 year old woman was fatally struck by tow cars , as she welding a knife chased her husband into the street after a augument

Juile Rose, 37 was conivcted of assualt in Yehvoil, england of assualt for slapping a new neghibor becuase she had provoked Rose becuase she turned down her sugguestion of the roses and the new couple engage in mate-swaping

all stories form www.newsoftheweird.com

see later, guys and gals and remeber no mystery is closed to an open mind

love and peace

Alex Stallwitz :.)

Friday, March 11, 2005

a photo of me  Posted by Hello

Thursday, March 10, 2005

what's the frequency kenneth, a salute to dan rather

dear readers

this week dan rather stepped down as anchor of CBS for the forged documents scandal. but few know dan rather had said and done some very bizzare things we will salute in out first weird celebrities hall of fame inductee.

examples included

signing off with the word courage as in "i'm dan rather, courage" and signing off with coraje the spanish word for courage after being told to change his signoff

has been beat up by guards at the 1967 democratic convention and was mugged by a man yelling what's the frequency,kenneth. the man claimed that the media was beaming hostile messages to them and wanted to turn it off. the incdent was turned into the famous song by R.E.M and in a gesture of good nature, appeared on stage when on dave letterman R.E.M played it

was also punched out by a unidentified man at a CBS affiliates convention

was accused by a afghastein newspaper of stoning people to death

weared a sweater over his vest and reintroductioned it when ratings fall

supposly shoted heroin to exprience what it was like for a story

was nervous meeting tom brokam and planted a wet kiss on his cheek

wouldn't sit in walter chockite's chair and anchored in a kind of "sqaut"

was missing for 15 minutes when he was supposed to onair when angered for being delayed for a tennis match

impiled that former CIA director William Casey was alive

telling the new york times that he carries The Elements Of Style with him on the adivce of Eric Sevareid and telling another writer he has never read the book

losing an on-air confrontaion with George H.W Bush in jan 1988 hatt was responsible for Bush losing his wimp imagine

being held hostage by a taxi driver becuase he wouldn't pay a 12.50 dollar taxi ride

sued a group that used his voice in a rap song and used the theme song, it was called "rocked by rape" the song consists of ACDC back in black looped over dan rather talking about disasters and death. the song was a commentary on the negativity on the nightly news

has a habit of talking in strange ratherism like " his lead is shaker thatn the cafeteria jello, the michigan primary is tighter than willy nelson's headband and this race is hot and tight as a too small swimsuit and on a too long car ride back to the beach

finally, paraded a soviet propgandana piece claming that a us miltary lab created the A.I.D.S

hope you enjoyed this look back at the colorful career of dan rather

for a detailed lists of more behavior and the saga of Gunga Dan go to www.ratherbiased.com

see you later guys and gals, i'm alex stalllwitz, Courage

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

ghost face photographed in attic  Posted by Hello

closeup of ghost face Posted by Hello